• BSCP Training Resources

    User Guides User Guide Name Description BSCP Administrator Guide This guide provides BSCP Administrator instructions. BSCP Archive and Purge Rules Guide This guide provides archive and purge rules for different functions. BSCP Forecasts and Long Term Forecasts Guide This guide provides forecasts and long term forecasts management information. BSCP General…

  • BSCP General Navigation

    Consistent Navigational Features When you first access the BSCP application, the following displays: User Access Menu: Located in the upper, right-hand corner; includes your username and role, Contact Support link, About link, and a logout function. Navigation Menu: Located in the upper, left-hand corner, used to navigate around the various…

  • FIS Training Resources

    User Guides Guide Name Guide Description FIS Product Guide Provide application-specific information. KMA Quick Guide This quick guide walks you through how to download and install KMA for MLOA Hardware Token Certificates.  FAQs Please see the Federated Identity Service (FIS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): General FAQs FIS Administrator FAQs Possible…

  • OTP Training Resources

    User Guides Guide Name Guide Description Phone OTP User Guide This guide provides information and instructions specific to the Phone OTP process. OTP Hardware Token User Guide This guide provides information and instructions specific to the OTP Hardware Token process. OTP Renewal Guide This guide provides information and instructions on…