• B2B Integration

    What is B2B Integration? B2B Resources ForĀ information on how your organization can benefit from integration, please contact Exostar sales atĀ sales@exostar.comĀ or callĀ 703-793-7733.

  • Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 Partner Management

    To add a partner domain:Ā  1. Navigate to the Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 application.Ā  2. ChooseĀ AdministrationĀ and thenĀ Partner Management.Ā  3. ClickĀ Add Partner Domain.Ā  4. Enter the partner organization’sĀ domainĀ (e.g. mydomain.com). ClickĀ Add Partner Domain.Ā  When a partner domain is added, the status may display asĀ Pending Authorization. In this case, Exostar is in the…

  • PIM Form Scoring

    NIST SP 800-171 Scoring There are two main percentage values reported as feedback for a submitted NIST form: Score Feedback Description Implemented + Approved This is the percentage of the controls marked as Implemented or Approved Exception by DoD) by the Supplier Implemented + Approved + Addressed This is the percentage of the controls…

  • 3.14.5 Periodic Scans of Information System

    Guides McAfee Virus Scan Best Practices Example Tools McAfee Virus Scan Broadcom – Endpoint Protection Vendor Documentation McAfee Virus Scan Product Guide Symantec – Endpoint Protection

  • Phone OTP

    Step 1. Purchase Please note, you can purchase a Phone-Based One Time Password (OTP) – With Proofing – US – 1 Year, as well as a Phone-Based One Time Password (OTP) – Without Proofing – US – 1 Year. Step 2. Activate Once you successfully complete your purchase, you can…

  • Northrop Grumman

    Exostar Services Exostar provides the following services to Northrop Grumman, click on an application below to learn more. Accepted Credentials In aerospace and defense, the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is an increasing concern. Companies like Northrop Grumman have done much to combat the APT concern and continue to face these challenges…