• Boeing 787 SCMP Shipments

    Download: This link provides instructions on downloading shipments. Manage Shipments: This link provides shipment overview information, as well as instructions on managing shipments. Print Shipments: This link provides instructions on printing shipments and shipping labels.  Receiver Reference Number: This link provides information on Receiver References Numbers and how to use…

  • Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 Announcements

    CrowdStrike production outages at Exostar Posted July 19, 2024 Here at Exostar, we take security and compliance incredibly seriously. CrowdStrike provides deep analysis capabilities to secure against malicious attacks before zero-day announcements.  Like other organizations, our products are secured by CrowdStrike.  As such Managed Access Gateway was down on July…

  • Sanofi

    Contact Support

  • TLS Deprecation

    Your Security Is Our Top Priority Outdated web browsers place you at risk! They use Version 1.0 or Version 1.1 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) communications protocol to encrypt your data. TLS v1.0 and TLS v1.1 are vulnerable to compromise, threatening the security of your data, and that is…

  • Boeing

    Exostar Services Exostar provides the following services to Boeing, click on an application below to learn more. Boeing Accepted Credentials To access certain applications, you must receive an invitation from Boeing, and they may require two-factor authentication (2FA) credentials, in conjunction with your MAG User ID/Email Address and Password. You…

  • Update Supplier Membership Fees

    Posted December 12, 2023 Exostar has updated the Supply Chain Platform (SCP) Supplier Membership fees. The updated pricing is listed below. Please see the Supply Chain Platform (SCP) Supplier Membership page for additional supplier membership information. Subscription Tier Tier Begin Tier End Price Unlimited 6,001 10,000 $8,500 Platinum 3,001 6,000…

  • SecureForms

    What is SecureForms? Roles and Responsibilities View the roles and responsibilities for SecureForms below. Role Responsibilities Supplier User – View any forms assigned to them– Reassign forms assigned to them to other supplier users– Edit forms assigned to them– Submit forms assigned to them– Download, save, and print forms assigned…

  • Boeing 787 SCMP Upload Inventory

    To upload inventory data: 1. From the menu, select Upload/Download > Uploads > Upload File(s). 2. Select the necessary inventory option, depending on your role, from the Document Type drop-down menu. 3. Drag and drop your file or click the Or select file button. Navigate to and select the file you want…

  • Boeing 787 SCMP General Navigation

    Please select from the links below to learn more about General Navigation in the Boeing 787 SCMP Solution: Email Alert Notifications: This article provides instructions on managing email alert notifications, as well as information on the different emails generated in the application. Favorites and Homepage: This article provides instructions on…

  • OBM Supplier Dashboard

    Top Header The top header provides the following options, and is static regardless of where you are in the OBM application: Exostar Logo: Redirects to Exostar’s corporate website. Onboarding Module and Home: Navigates back to the dashboard. myExostar: Navigates to Exostar’s self-help site, which provides on-screen content, downloadable guides, FAQs,…