• Certification Assistant Partner Program (CAPP)

    User Levels There are three user levels within CAP and please note, the dashboard displays information based off the individual’s role: CAP Admin: Responsible for accepting or declining engagements, assigning Consultants and overall access to the CAP system. CAP Manager: Responsible for engagement and project oversight, as well as documentation…

  • Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365

    What is Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365? Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 Resources Release Notes Download latest release notes version by clicking this link: M365 Release Notes 5.9.3

  • Boeing 787 SCMP Activate/Deactivate Planning Schedules

    To activate or deactivate a planning schedule: 1. On the left Navigation Tree, go to Supply Planning, Activate/Deactivate Items. 2. Enter your search criteria. Click Search. 3. To Activate a Collab, delete the date in the Inactive Date column. 4. To Deactivate a Collab, enter the date in the Inactive Date column. NOTES: The date must…

  • SFT Manager Responsibilities

    Accounts List Users are authenticated to SFT through Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG). Users can request access from their MAG dashboard, and the SFT Application Administrator can approve or deny that request. All users who are approved for SFT access display in the Accounts tab.  Each entry in the Accounts list…

  • BSCP Shipment Attachments

    Add Attachment To add an attachment to a shipment: 1. For header attachments, locate the Add/View Attachments link. For line-level attachments, there is an Attach column on the left. Click the paperclip icon at the header or line where you want to attach a file. 2. Click the Add button to…