Boeing 787 SCMP Navigation Menu

The menu is locate in the upper, left corner and depending on your role in the system, you have access to various sub-tree functionalities:

  • Home: Select this to redirect to the main 787 SCMP homepage.
  • My Workspace: Provides access to a summary of your alerts, problems, orders, shipments, and receipts.
  • Inbox Status: Provides access to the results of uploads and downloads.
  • Exceptions: Provides access to a summary of your exception alerts in the system.
  • Order Management: Provides access to purchase orders, shipments, receipts, reverse logistics POs, return shipments and replacement shipments.
  • Supply Planning: Provides access to the planning schedule for your collaboration items.
  • Inventory: Provides access to the inventory status.
  • Upload/Download: Provides access to upload or download data.
  • My Profile: Provides access to change your first page, role, and user preferences.
  • Administration: Depending on your role, this menu option provides administrative functions.
  • Reports: Depending on your role, this menu provides reporting options and opens the reporting feature.

As you navigate the system, it displays your navigation history as a selectable pathway (cookie crumbs) under the header.  Click any blue, hyperlinked page name in the pathway to navigate to that page.

IMPORTANT! This history path will not always accurately reflect all workflows. Use this path instead of your browser’s back button.

Updated on July 17, 2023
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