Boeing 787 SCMP General Navigation

Please select from the links below to learn more about General Navigation in the Boeing 787 SCMP Solution:

Email Alert Notifications: This article provides instructions on managing email alert notifications, as well as information on the different emails generated in the application.

Favorites and Homepage: This article provides instructions on favoriting, or bookmarking page in the application.

Inbox Status: This article provides information and instructions on the Inbox Status menu option, as well as possible upload/download statuses.

My Workspace: This article provides instructions on setting filters, as well as managing the cards on the My Workspaces page.

Navigation Menu: This article provides information on the different menu options, as well as information on using the Navigation History Path to maneuver through the application.

Roles: This article provides instructions on how to switch or change roles in the application, as well as providing role and privilege information.

User Preferences: This article provides instructions on updating Collaboration Preferences in the application.

Updated on July 18, 2023
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