Secure Source-to-Pay (SS2P)

What is SS2P?

Exostar’s Secure Source-to-Pay solution is a hosted, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering that spans across the purchase lifecycle including sourcing, contract management, supplier relationship management, procurement, payments and invoicing.
The Secure S2P solution brings automation and efficiency to the procurement process, while addressing A&D regulatory requirements. It is an integrated, one-stop solution that lets organizations move away from manual processes like emails and spreadsheets. It provides a single system for sourcing, contract management, procurement, order management, invoicing, and supplier relationship management.

Roles & Responsibilities

Roles in Secure Source-to-Pay (SS2P) include but are not limited to the following:

Accounts Payable:This role can view all orders, cancel orders, view scheduled orders, amend scheduled order quantities, cancel scheduled orders, change the schedule, view unviewed orders, view acknowledged orders and view supplier amendments. 
Audit:This role can view approvals, view rejected requisitions, view all requisitions, view all orders, cancel orders, view scheduled orders, amend scheduled orders, change the schedule, view unviewed orders, view acknowledged orders and view supplier attachments.
Contract Manager:This role can create contracts, copy contracts, review contracts, amend contracts, suspend contracts and terminate contracts.
Financial Approver:This role can approve requisitions, approve value scheme, view rejected requisitions, view all requisitions, view all orders, cancel orders, view unviewed orders, view acknowledged orders, view all invoices, view payments, view invoices sent for payment, view credits requested, view rejected credit requests and view all credit notes.
Functional Approver:This role can approve requisitions and approve product category scheme.
Management:This role can raise call off requisition, approve requisitions, approve user spend scheme, request new supplier, view all orders, cancel orders.
Procurement:This role can raise requisition, raise call off requisition, approve contacts, approve buyer scheme, review rejected requisitions, view all requisitions, copy a requisition, view saved baskets, raise requisition from basket, request new product, request new supplier, view all orders, cancel orders, view scheduled orders, amend scheduled order quantities, cancel scheduled quantities, change the schedule, view unviewed orders, view acknowledged orders, amend order, view supplier amendments, approve supplier amendments, view receipts, view receipts in approval, raise a returns note, view returns requested, view rejected returns, view returns awaiting collection, record the collection of goods, view collected items, view all invoices, view paid invoices, process unmatched invoice lines, view payments, view invoices sent for payment, request credit, view requested credit, view rejected credit requests, view all credit notes, view all mini tenders, raise new mini tender, amend a mini tender, record supplier responses, close a mini tender.

SS2P Resources

Updated on August 31, 2022
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