Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 Role Management

As a Sponsor Administrator, you can see who is a Sponsor Administrator and grant the role to another member of your organization. 

View Sponsor Administrator List

To view the current Sponsor Administrator list:

1. Navigate to the Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 application. 

2. Select Administration. Select Sponsor Administrators

Assign Role

To assign the Sponsor Administrator role:  

1. Click Add Sponsor Admin.  

2. Enter the email address of a user in your organization.  

3. Click Add Sponsor Admin. 

Remove Role

To remove the Sponsor Administrator role for a user:  

1. Navigate to the current Sponsor Administrator list. Locate the desired user.

2. Click Remove next to the user’s name in the Sponsor Administrator list. 

3. Click Remove again to confirm and remove the user from the role. 

Updated on July 15, 2022
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