Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 Invite Users

Sponsor Administrators and Team Managers can invite users to collaborate on their teams. Invitations must be done using the Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 application.

Invite Users

To invite a user:  

1. Choose Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 on the left side of Microsoft Teams. Select Invitation at the top. 

2. Enter the user’s Email Address. Click Lookup to verify the user is eligible to be invited.   

NOTE: An Authorized Domain status indicates the user is eligible to be invited. (See Lookup Statuses below for additional details). 

3. Select the checkbox next to the user in the search results. 

4. Choose a Team. 

NOTESponsor Administrators can invite users to any team in the sponsor organizations enclave. Team Managers can invite users only to teams they manage. 

5. Select the user’s Role.  

NOTEExternal users can only be invited as guests. Internal users from the sponsor organization can be invited as members or team managers. 

6. Click Submit Invitation. 

The invited user will receive an email with instructions to access the team. 

Lookup Status

Authorized DomainThe user’s domain has been authorized for access. User can be invited to Teams. Users from the Sponsor Domain will be invited as members. External partner users will be invited as guests. 
Domain not Authorized The user’s domain is not an approved partner domain. User cannot be invited unless a Sponsor Administrator adds the domain to Partner Domains. 
Domain Authorization Pending The authorization of the domain is in progress. The user can be invited when the authorization is complete. 
Exostar Account Required Authorized Domain. User can be invited to teams after creating an Exostar account. 
Multiple Accounts Found User has multiple Exostar accounts which is not currently supported. 
Suspended Exostar Account Found User was found in Exostar IAM but cannot be invited until the account is reactivated. 
Updated on August 22, 2022
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