SFT Set Account Preferences

On the SFT Home screen, select the Account option from the top, right header to manage preferences, contacts, and distribution lists.


Once you select the Account option, you are redirected to the Preferences page, which is broken up into two sections: Email Settings and Misc. 

To manage preferences:
1. Choose email settings.
Email: This field is not editable, because it is associated with your MAG account.
Upload notifications: This field is not editable, unless you select the check mark, at which point you can add email addresses using the + icon.
Email me when I receive a package and Email me when I download a package: Place a check mark next to these options if you wish to receive notifications.
Include me in workgroup notifications for packages I send: This check mark is already placed, and is not editable. 
2. Choose misc. settings. Max rows per page: The default is 10. Enter the number you prefer.
3. Select the Update preferences button to save your changes.


If you are permitted to send packages to external email addresses (controlled by the Administrator), and you sent files to a new email address, SFT automatically saves the recipient in your contact list. If your account has also been configured with Keep user directory private, set to ON, each recipient of your packages and each sender to you, is automatically added to your contact list.

To edit your contact list:
1. Select Edit Contacts from the left-hand menu.
2. Click the Remove link next to the desired contact.

Distribution Lists

The SFT solution allows you to create a package distribution list. It is important to note, a package cannot be sent if any recipient in the distribution list is an invalid user. If a user is external and sending to external users is disabled, the external user would be considered invalid, regardless of whether the email address is correct, and the package will not be sent to the list. You cannot CC a distribution list.

To add a new list:
1. Select Edit Distribution Lists from the left-hand menu.
2. Click the Add New Distribution List link.
3. On the New Distribution List screen, enter the list name.
NOTE: Select a unique name. Do not choose a name that is the same as a member user or workgroup name.
4. Select the + icon next to the Contacts field.
5. In the Contacts display screen, place a check mark next to all desired contacts. 
6. Once you select all desired contacts, click the Select button.
7. Click Create to save the distribution list. 
To manage an existing distribution list:
1. On the distribution lists screen, select the Delete link next to the desired list. Click OK or Cancel to proceed.
2. Place your cursor in the Name field to edit any list names.
3. Select the + icon in the Contacts field to add or remove any contacts from a list. 
4. Click the Update Distribution Lists button to save changes.
Updated on August 22, 2022
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