SFT Secure Dropbox

A Secure Dropbox may be established by your SFT Manager as a place for authenticated workgroups (inside your organization) to access files. The authenticated user submits files to a dropbox, and the file package is placed in the dropbox, where it is available to all members of the workgroup associated with that dropbox.
When a user outside of your organization (not registered in MAG) needs access to send a file, the Manager may configure the dropbox to allow non-authenticated users to submit file packages. The dropbox Manager may invite that user into the environment, and specify the parameters of that invitation. The unregistered user will then be able to send files to the Secure Dropbox.


To create a new secure dropbox:
1. Go to the Workgroups tab.
2. From the Create New drop down menu, select Dropbox.
3. Under the Dropbox Details section, enter the dropbox name in the field provided, and optionally, provide Instructions for submitters.
4. Choose the Workgroup Inbox Destination.
5. Under the Member Management section, make desired selections for Dropbox admins and Standard users.
6. Click Create.

Invite Outside Submitters

The Dropbox Administrator manages the workgroup members associated with a particular dropbox and can extend an invitation for outside users to submit a file package to the dropbox. The invitation includes a submission link, which may expire after one successful upload, on a specific date, or never.

To send an invitation to an outside submitter:
1. Navigate to the Workgroups tab on the main SFT page.
2. On the Invitation screen, enter the recipient’s email address in the field provided.
3. Choose from the options provided in the Submission link expires section.
4. Click the Save (send invitation email) button to complete or Cancel to disregard.
The outside submitter receives an email with the invitation to access the Secure File Transfer application. The email contains a link to the Secure Dropbox, and notice of the expiration parameters on the invitation. The unregistered submitter is restricted to a targeted package upload without access to any information about the Secure Dropbox or other submitters.

Send File to Dropbox – Outside Submitter

As an outside submitter, to access the files and send to the dropbox:

1. Click the link in the invitation to display the file submission form.

NOTE: The administrator may create customized metadata fields to gather required data from the sender. The information the outside submitter enters into the customized metadata fields is captured and stored with the transfer package.

2. Monitor the file transfer progress.

Download File

The recipient (authenticated user) can access and download the file:

1. Log into SFT and navigate to the Workgroups tab.

2. Select the download icon next to the desired file.

Updated on July 20, 2023
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