SFT Package Information


SFT supports downloading file packages from the email notification, as well as directly from the application. 

To download a file package from an email notification:
1. Click the link in the email notification, and a list of files available to download displays.
NOTE: The Package Detail window displays the sender, the recipient, the size, duration of the upload, the date the file was sent, and any notes the sender included.
2. Select the file you want to download, and click Download Selected or Download Entire Package.
3. View the status of the transfer using the Transfer Monitor.
NOTE: The sender may have the option to establish an expiration date for the download. The recipient receives the following message if the files are not downloaded within the time frame specified by the sender: Your access permission for the package expired at <time, date>. Packages must be retrieved within 3 day(s).
If the sender did not specify the download expiration, the file package automatically deletes from the transfer server after 14 days. The recipient should contact the sender and ask to resend the package.
To download a file package directly from the application:
1. Click the Received tab from the main SFT page. A list of all files you received, as well as those available for download display.
2. To shorten the list of received packages, click the Archive button at the right end of any row. To locate the archived packages, click View Full History.
3. Click the Title to view the details of that file package, and/or to initiate the download.
4. Once on the Package Detail screen, select individual files to download or select the Download Entire Package link.
5. View the status of the transfer using the Transfer Monitor.
NOTE: The sender may have the option to establish an expiration date for the download. The recipient receives the following message if the files are not downloaded within the time frame specified by the sender: Your access permission for the package expired at <time, date>. Packages must be retrieved within 3 day(s).
If the sender did not specify the download expiration, the file package automatically deletes from the transfer server after 14 days. The recipient should contact the sender and ask to resend the package.


The SFT main application window provides the user with the option to create a new package, view packages that have been received or sent, and access workgroups. Until you are added to a workgroup or drop box by your SFT Manager, you cannot transfer a file package.

To initiate a file transfer for a normal file package:
1. Select the New Package tab on the SFT Home screen, and select the method you wish to use from the New Package drop down menu.
NOTE: Selecting Normal Package displays a form to complete a file transfer from you to one or more users or workgroups. You may also have access to one or more drop boxes, where you can upload a package and where other drop box members can download that package. Your access to workgroups and drop boxes is controlled by your SFT Manager or Administrator.
2. On the New Package form screen, enter recipients in the To field.
NOTE: A recipient can be an SFT account name, the email address of an external user (if this is permitted for your account), a workgroup name (workgroup names begin with an asterisk), or a distribution list name. To view your contact list, click the + button.
3. Select the Show Private Recipients link to BCC other users. Select Hide Private Recipients to hide the list.
4. In the CC section, notify others when packages are uploaded and/or downloaded by enabling these fields, and entering SFT account names or email addresses.
NOTE: You cannot enter workgroups or distribution lists to this field. To hide this field, click Hide CC.
5. Enter a name for your package in the Title field.
NOTE: The Administrator may add custom metadata fields in the New Package form. You may see additional text input or options. This information will be added at the beginning of Note.
6. Optionally, add comments in the Note section.
7. If allowed by the Administrator, check the box if you would like to encrypt the package’s contents on the server.
NOTE: The recipients will be required to de-crypt the package with a password you provide separately.
8. If you are allowed to set package expiration rules, the Expiration field offers the following:
Do Nothing: Do not auto-delete after the package is downloaded
Delete files after any recipient downloads all files: Delete if all files in the package are downloaded once.
Delete files after all recipients download all files: Delete if all recipients downloaded the whole package.
9. In the Contents section, click Browse and select the files or folders to send. You can also drag and drop files onto the graphic.
– The drag and drop graphic and capability is only available for local uploads, and is not available when uploading from a remote source.
– All fields listed above, except Note, are required. Metadata fields may be required, if enabled by the Administrator.

10. Click the Send Package button to initiate the transfer. When the transfer begins, a Confirm window displays. Click Allow to begin.

Monitor Transfer

The Transfer List window displays the status of the current file transfer, as well as the status of previous transfers. Control and view additional details of the transfer with the control buttons on the right. The Transfer Monitor icon displays the progress of the current transfer. You may pause the transfer at any time by clicking the X icon. You may restart the transfer at any time, and it resumes at the point it was stopped. If the transfer encounters a poor connection and cannot continue, it will stop, and you can resume it when the connection improves. The sender receives an email confirming the transfer request, with a link to check the package status.

Send to Dropbox

You must be a member of a drop box to send a file package to it, or download from it. Drop boxes are established and administered by your SFT Manager.

To send File Package to Drop Box:
1. From the main screen, select New Package, then select the desired Drop Box from the New Package drop down menu.
2. In the CC section, notify others when packages are uploaded and/or downloaded by enabling these fields, and entering SFT account names or email addresses.
NOTE: You cannot enter workgroups or distribution lists to this field. To hide this field, click Hide CC.
3. Enter a name for your package in the Title field.
NOTE: The Administrator may add custom metadata fields in the Send to Dropbox form. You may see additional text input or options. This information will be added at the beginning of Note.
4. Optionally, add comments in the Note section.
5. If allowed by the Administrator, check the box if you would like to encrypt the package’s contents on the server.
NOTE: The recipients will be required to de-crypt the package with a password you provide separately.
6. If you are allowed to set package expiration rules, the Expiration field offers the following:
Do Nothing: Do not auto-delete after the package is downloaded.
Delete files after any recipient downloads all files: Delete if all files in the package are downloaded once.
Delete files after all recipients download all files: Delete if all recipients downloaded the whole package.
7. In the Contents section, click Browse and select the files or folders to send. You can also drag and drop files onto the graphic.
– The drag and drop graphic and capability is only available for local uploads, and is not available when uploading from a remote source.
– All fields listed above, except Note, are required. Metadata fields may be required, if enabled by the Administrator.

8. Click the Send Package button to initiate the transfer. When the transfer begins, a Confirm window displays. Click Allow to begin.

View Sent File Packages

The Sent tab displays the status of the file packages you sent. The list includes the recipients, title, date sent, package size, number of files in the package, and status. To manage this tab:

  • Click the Archive button next to the desired package to remove it from the list.
  • To locate archived packages, click the View Full History link at the top of the list.
  • Select the Archive All button at the bottom of the list, to archive all packages.
  • Click the Delete button next to the desired package to completely remove it from the list.
  • Paused transfers have a refresh icon located to the left of the package. Select this icon to restart the transfer.
  • Select the package Title to view additional package details.
Updated on August 22, 2022
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