BSCP Training Resources

User Guides

User Guide NameDescription
BSCP Administrator GuideThis guide provides BSCP Administrator instructions.
BSCP Archive and Purge Rules GuideThis guide provides archive and purge rules for different functions.
BSCP Forecasts and Long Term Forecasts GuideThis guide provides forecasts and long term forecasts management information.
BSCP General Navigation GuideThis guide provides general navigation and application information.
BSCP Invoices GuideThis guide provides invoice management information and instructions.
BSCP Purchase Orders GuideThis guide provides purchase order management information and instructions.
BSCP Shipments GuideThis guide provides shipment information and instructions.
BSCP Upload Carrier Companies GuideThis guide provides instructions on uploading Carrier Companies and Certificates of Conformance Text.


Template NameDescription
BSCP Shipment Upload TemplateTemplates required for batch shipment upload process
BSCP Add New Buyer AccountFor Boeing Buyer Admins ONLY. Use to add a new Buyer Account in BSCP.


Boeing Supplier Chain Platform (BSCP) – ASN Enhancement Training Video: The linked training video is a high level overview of how Suppliers will enter a tracking number when creating an ASN’s in Exostar.  The video also includes a demonstration of how to create an ASN in Exostar now that the ASN enhancements and the Harmony User Interface upgrades that are complete.    


Forecasts FAQs

When can I expect updated data for Forecast (FC) and Long Term Forecast (LTFC)?
Forecasts in BSCP are usually updated every Tuesday, and Long- Term Forecasts are updated on the last Friday of each month. Old copies of Planning Schedule/Forecasts and Long Term Planning Schedules/Long Term Forecasts are no longer available in BSCP like they were in HDM of GSCP. BSCP only captures the current and last version of data.
When does a Forecast (FC) or Long Term Forecast (LTFC) purge from BSCP?
Forecast and Long Term Forecast collaborations purge from BSCP when the Last Modified Date is more than 180 days old.
Why am I not getting all of the data while downloading from collaborator screen?
If you are using the Download Forecasts button on the collaborator screen, you will get only 35 days of data for FC and two months’ worth for LTFC. You will need to use the Downloads workflow for Supply Planning in the Upload/Download navigation tree to get all data that was sent in by Boeing.

General FAQs

Who is “broker_admin_user1” or “broker_admin_role0”?
This user or role name represents action taken from a back-end computer system.
How do I enable and/or turn off email alerts?
By default, users are set up to receive email alerts. The email alerts are being sent to the email address that is associated with your user account in Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG) Platform and Supply Chain Platform (SCP). Follow these steps to update your email alert subscriptions:
1. On the left-side navigation tree, go to My Profile > Email Alert Subscription. 
2. Click the Setup to Receive Email Alerts tab.
3. Use the check mark boxes to select or deselect email alerts.
4. When you finish, click Update.
Why is my document missing? What happens to old documents?
After a specified number of days and no activity on a document or transaction, the state changes to Archived. Transactions in the archived state are still viewable.

For example, to view your archived purchase orders, go to Order Management > Discrete Order > Summary, and click the number under Total next to Archived. Archived transactions can be viewed under the respective summary page for each document type. 

After a period of time, archived transactions are purged from the system and are no longer viewable. Orders and invoices purge after 180 days in an archived state. Shipments purge after 60 days in an archived state. Orders do not archive/purge if they have active shipments or invoices against them.

Invoices FAQs

When does an invoice move to an Archived state or purge from BSCP?
An invoice line with a Line State of Sent moves to Archived when the Invoice Submitted date is more than 180 days old.

An invoice line with a Line State of In Process, Rejected, or Accepted moves to Archived when the Line Last Modified date is more than 90 days old.

The entire invoice (Invoice State) moves to Archived when all of the invoice lines have moved to the Archived state.
– An invoice is purged from BSCP when ALL of the following conditions are met:Invoice State is Archived AND 
– Header Last Modified is more than 180 days old 

When an invoice purges, the Invoiced Qty on the associated order will not change.
Why does the invoiced quantity value on the Purchase Order not equal to the total amount invoiced?
You have two options in order to update the invoice quantity:
1. Create a credit invoice against the line that is erroneously showing the Invoiced Quantity value (this credit invoice will reduce the Invoiced Quantity for that schedule line).
2. Create a new invoice against the line that should have been invoiced against originally (this will then show SCP with the correct Invoiced Quantity for that schedule line).

Purchase Orders FAQs

Why are the counts so high on the Summary pages?
For suppliers working with orders, shipments and invoices, the counts on the Summary pages in GSCP referred to the number of documents. In BSCP, they now refer to LINE level information.  For example: if you have three orders with five lines on each order, in GSCP the count was 3 but in BSCP the count is 15.

One benefit to viewing data at the line level is the lines can be processed directly from the list pages.

Users are encouraged to filter the Workspace Summary to make the data manageable and useful.  See help file or the Customize Your View Help File for additional information. 
Acknowledged with Exceptions (AWE) at the line level?
For large POs, it may be useful to keep track by acknowledging items at the line level. However, the required Supplier Message resulting from an AWE action is a header level response. 

Acknowledging with Exception on one line will cause the header of the order to show the state of Acknowledged with Exceptions. Notes for other lines that are AWE are not possible because there is only a single note that can default to the header.

For this reason, if there are multiple lines to which you are taking exception — create a Supplier Message that encompasses each of the exceptions noted.
Is there an easier way than paging through the PO to find lines for a large PO to ship against?
Yes, provided you know the line numbers that are going to ship. Under the Shipment heading, Create Shipment workflow, you can type in the Order Number and the Line IDs using 4 positions for the line item separated by commas.
How do I know what changed on the order?
For a few data fields, there is highlighting on the User Interface (UI) to show something was changed; and the previous value is also displayed on the order. For other data fields, look at the View History screen to see what changed.

The count displayed in the Change Order Sequence field will increase with each change.  Changes made to the Request Qty, Request Del Date’ or Unit Price will highlight in yellow.

To view what has changed in more detail, click the View All History link (header) or View History button (lower section).

The full print version of the order, using asterisks, will show anything that changed since THE LAST VERSION THAT YOU TOOK ACTION ON OF THE ORDER (or compared to the original if you have never responded to the order).You should respond to updated orders with the same action options and steps as for the original order.
I need a copy of each change order – is that possible?
As there is no longer a POC queue, it is no longer possible to print each separate POC version out of BSCP.  SCP does not maintain older document versions because it is not document based; SCP is web-based using a database of information. In order to show the latest version of an order, BSCP can only store the latest version of the order for printing.  However, the View History functionality does show the details of changes against each version number. Additionally, the full print version does a comparison using asterisks against the last version you responded to (or original if no response).
What action can I take on an archived order?
Users with supplier user roles can View History for Cancelled, Closed or Archived orders.

Users with certain buyer user roles can View History, Hide, Close or Cancel for Cancelled or Archived orders.

Users with a Buyer Admin or DivUser role can manually move order schedule lines to an Archived state using an Archive action button in BSCP. This allows Boeing to close schedule lines without sending POCs, and prevents shipments and invoices for that line going forward.
Why can’t I see my orders?
Check with your administrator to ensure you have the correct access and roles assigned to view the specific account (i.e. Exostar ID/MPID). 
Why is the Accept button missing for the order?
For discrete orders, Accept is an end state. This means once ALL lines in an order have moved to Accepted, the action buttons for this state are no longer available. Once an order is accepted, it cannot be un-accepted.

On the Order Details page, if there are lines in a ClosedCancelled, or Archived state, the action buttons (Accept etc.) do not display on the screen.  To see the action buttons and process New or Updated lines, filter the screen to only show the New or Updated lines.

On the right side of the screen, use the drop down list to select New or Updated and click Filter

The screen refreshes and only shows lines with the filtered state. The actions buttons display. To get back to all lines, filter to show All.

NOTE: If an order was Acknowledged with Exceptions, the Accept button is still available.
The Send button is missing – did my order send?
There is no longer a Send button. For an order response, it is sent to Boeing automatically when the HEADER state moves to Accepted or Acknowledged with Exceptions.

An order only gets sent to Boeing when ALL schedule lines are moved from the New and Updated states (See the Order’s header state). Once an order has all lines processed, BSCP sends it to Boeing. BSCP checks every thirty minutes for order responses that are ready to send.

The Order Response Sent to Boeing indicator shows if an order response is completed (all lines processed and sent).
The Reject button is missing – I can’t reject the order?
There is no longer a Reject button, which allows a supplier to send a reject response. You should use the acknowledge with exceptions and the Supplier Message field to give your response and contact the buyer directly. 
Canceled Lines – I received a POC that cancelled one line item in the PO, but there are several other line items that I have not yet responded to. My problem is that I cannot act on the remaining line items because there is no Accept button. Now what?
As long as any line item in the detail view is in a state that does not allow it to be accepted, there will be no ‘Accept’ button displayed. You should use the State drop-down menu and choose All, then click the Filter button. Once the filter is applied, the action buttons display.

Shipment FAQs

From the Discrete Order Details page I tried to create a shipment for multiple lines. Some lines are on one page and some are on a different page. Why are the lines from only the last page on my shipment?
Shipments that have multiple lines over several pages can only be created from the Create Shipment workflow under the Shipment sub-menu. 
How can I update a shipment if I cancelled one of the lines?
On the Shipment Search screen, click on the Line State filter and choose only Sent ASNs, then the Update capability will be available again.
Why isn’t Boeing receiving my attached files for my shipments?
Only Boeing Aerostructures Australia (BAA) and Boeing Canada Winnipeg (BCW) are currently set up to receive attachments through BSCP. For all other business units, you will need to use other methods to transit files to Boeing.

If you are sending the files to BAA or BCW and they are not being received, open an online support case with Exostar. Be sure to include the shipment number, the name of the attached file, and indicate that you are working in BSCP.
Updated on July 15, 2024
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