BSCP Forecasts and Long Term Forecasts

Forecast in BSCP is used to communicate dates and quantities for an item Boeing is buying from a Supplier. A Long Term Forecast is a best estimate of future requirements for an item. Both types of forecasts are for information only. A Supplier is not expected to respond in BSCP.
A collaboration is the forecasted item. The following dimensions are used to define and differentiate each collaboration in BSCP: Order Number, Plant, Project, and Forecast Line.
When a Forecast or Long Term Forecast is sent to BSCP, and these four dimensions exactly match a collaboration already posted in BSCP, the system assumes the new collaboration is an update to the existing collaboration. If all four dimensions do not exactly match, a new collaboration is established in BSCP for the incoming Forecast or Long Term Forecast.

Locate Forecasts Using Run Dates

The Run Date refers to the date Forecast data is pulled from Boeing’s planning system and posted to BSCP. When working with Forecasts and Long Term Forecasts, refer to the latest Run Date to ensure you are viewing the most current data and therefore, the latest planning requirements.

If a part does not have requirements due to current inventory status, or has become obsolete since the last update, BSCP does not update the data for that Forecast and Long Term Forecast. The data for that part, with prior Run Date, is no longer valid.

Always apply the latest Run Date when you conduct a search in BSCP to view or download Forecast or Long Term Forecast information:

  • Forecasts: Use a Run Date range within the last seven days.
  • Long Term Forecasts: Use a Run Date range within the last 30 days.
To locate forecasts based on run dates:
1. From the menu, select Supply Planning. Click Search for either Forecast or Long Term Forecast.
2. Select desired Run Date from the right-hand side. Click Search.
3. Select the rows you want to view in more detail. Click View to display the Multi-Collab View (MCV) page.
NOTE: Select the drop-down arrow to select the desired view: Multi-Collab View, Summary, Grouping Workbench, or Aggregated List.


To download forecast data:
1. From the Problem List page or the MCV details page, click the Download Forecasts button.
NOTE: You can also go to Upload/Download,  DownloadsSupply Planning, then Forecasts. In order to download all Forecast dates, you should download from the MCV (details) page, or from the Upload/Download workflow. If you download from the Problem List page, you only see about 35 days of data for standard Forecasts, and two months of data for Long Term Forecasts.
2. Select the desired download option: Export or File Download.
Export: This option downloads the data in the same format you have it currently configured on the screen.You can use the Configurator icon in the top right corner, to configure the screen to show or hide columns and to change the order.
File Download: This option downloads data according to a template. You can choose a template pre-defined by BSCP, or create your own templates for future use.

3. If you select Export, the file automatically downloads to your local environment. Choose to Open or Save the file, which displays in an Excel (.xls version) format.
4. If you select File Download, select the desired download settings. Click Next.
5. Confirm download and file automatically downloads to your local environment.

Multi Collab View (MCV) Navigation

Scroll up and down (if possible) and left and right to find the right information to review.

To modify the display area size for left and right sections of the page, hover over the divider until the arrow icon displays. Click and drag the arrow icon.

To view data as it came from the buyer for any data measure attribute, click the Data Measures name (the ones in blue font are hot links). For example, click Forecast to see data as sent to SCP.

To view or export PIT (point in time) attributes/details, click a PIT value (number links in main part of screen).

The copy icon (top right corner of screen) is not applicable because it is used to copy over response data, and Boeing is not accepting forecast responses.

To change displayed date ranges:
1. Select the Default date range.
2. Make desired changes. Click Apply.
Updated on April 17, 2023
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