BSCP Archive and Purge Rules

Archive Rules

When items move to an Archived state, they are not removed from BSCP. It is only a state change designed to improve searching, by separating the outdated information. BDS uses a closeout report manually uploaded to the web UI to initiate the archiving process. Every 24 hours, BSCP checks for items to archive. You cannot use archived lines to generate shipments or invoices.


Order schedule lines move to an Archived state based upon rules defined by Boeing. For an order with no change orders, the order moves to an Archived state, when ALL the following dates are more than 180 days old:

  • Order Date
  • Schedule Date (or if it is blank)
  • Schedule Last Modified

For an order, including change orders, the order moves to an Archived state when ALL the following dates are more than 180 days old:

  • Order Date
  • Change Order Date
  • Schedule Date (or if it is blank)
  • Schedule Last Modified


  • Archiving does not apply for CBO orders
  • Order schedule lines for NWP and BAAN ERP only transition to the Archived state from the Closed state. Order schedule lines with all other states remain active indefinitely.
  • If an order moves to a Cancelled state, it does not transition to the Archived state (see Purge Rules page for more details).
  • Users can View History for Cancelled, Closed, or Archived orders.


A shipment’s Line State moves to Archived when ALL of the following conditions are met:

  • Line State is Sent or Unreferenced Shipment AND,
  • Estimated Arrive Date is more than 60 days old AND,
  • Line Last Modified is more than 21 days old.

 The entire shipment (ASN State) moves to Archived when all the shipment lines have moved to the Archived state.


  • An invoice line with a Line State of Sent moves to Archived when the Invoice Submitted date is more than 180 days old.
  • An invoice line with a Line State of In Process, Rejected, or Accepted moves to Archived when the Line Last Modified date is more than 90 days old.
  • The entire invoice (Invoice State) moves to Archived when all invoice lines move to the Archived state.

Purge Rules

When items are purged, they are no longer available in BSCP. However, you can retrieve the last version of a document in the Business Intelligence module.


Orders purge from the BSCP system based upon rules defined by Boeing. For an order in an Archived or Cancelled state, the order purges from the system when the Header Last Modified date is more than 180 days old. Orders do not purge if an associated shipment or invoice is still active in BSCP.


A shipment is purged from BSCP when ALL the following conditions are met:

  • Shipment State is Archived or Cancelled AND,
  • Header Last Modified is more than 60 days old.

NOTE: When a shipment purges, the Shipped Qty on the associated order will not change.


An invoice is purged from BSCP when ALL the following conditions are met:

  • Invoice State is Archived AND,
  • Header Last Modified is more than 180 days old.

NOTE: When an invoice purges, the Invoiced Qty on the associated order does not change.

Forecasts and Long Term Forecasts

Forecast and Long Term Forecast collaborations purge from BSCP when the Last Modified Date is more than 180 days old.

Updated on August 23, 2022
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