ForumPass Navigation

Each site within ForumPass has its own unique elements and can be tailored to meet project and user specific requirements. There are several site navigational elements that remain consistent throughout each site. This page navigates through the most commonly used features and tasks.

User Access Menu

The User Access Menu is located in the upper, right corner of all site pages. The following options are available:

  • About Me: Access your profile page to update information about yourself.
  • Sign Out: Signs you out of the ForumPass application
  • My Workspaces: Provides a dashboard to all project sites, checked-out files, alerts, and tasks across all projects to which you have access.
  • My Information Service: Provides access to site information and additional resources.

ForumPass allows you to manage a list of links important to you. The links list may include links to existing sites in the environment, links to other resources in your corporate network, or links to resources available across the internet. You can create and organize your links. 

To add a new link:
1. Navigate to the site you would like to add to the My Links list.
2. Open the My Links menu. Click Add to My Links.
3. The Add to My Links page displays. Complete the following fields:
Enter a Title for the link.
– Verify the URL in the Address field.
– Select a group under which to organize the link.
– Choose who can view these links in your profile information
4. Click OK to create the link.
NOTE: You may also add a link by copying a URL into the Address field.
To manage existing links:
1. From any location in ForumPass, open the User Access Menu and select My Links.
2. Select Manage My Links.
3. From the Manage My Links page, you may choose to:
Add a Link: This page allows you to enter the page information.
– Edit Link: Select a link and edit the title, URL, permissions, and/or group association.
– Delete Link: Select a link to delete.
– Create Tag: Select a link and create a tag to that item.
4. Click OK to when you complete any changes.

A basic search can be performed from any site in ForumPass by using the Search feature. This feature provides the ability to search sites, lists, and libraries within the site collection, that you have access to, in order to find information and documents. 

Search Tips

  • Filter options allow you to select to search for Everything (all matches), or to limit searches to ConversationsPeople, or This Site.
  • The default search results include all indexed content that match your search criteria and you have proper permissions to access.
  • ForumPass supports full word searches (full words separated by spaces). Partial keyword searches and wildcard (e.g. *, $, #, etc.) searches are not supported.
  • ForumPass search results are controlled by the scope of the search as set by the Administrator as well as the user.
  • The user can see an item in the search results if the user has at least View Item permission on that item. To actually access and open the item, the user must have proper permissions and authentication credentials.

Settings Menu

The Settings Menu provides administrators access to manage site permissions, view and modify site settings, and content areas, or Apps, or create new subsites. The options available on the Settings menu are permissions driven, and vary depending on the page you are viewing and your permission settings. Options include:

Add a Page:Create a new page to include in the project site collection.
Add an App:Add a new content area (list, library, wiki, etc.) to the project site collection.
Site Contents:Display all lists, libraries and subsites in the site.
Design Manager:Create a new look for the page by modifying the color scheme.
Site Settings:Provides access to site management options.
Invite By Email:Easily add users to the project.
Remove User:Easily remove users.
View Audit History:Allows you to view audit history for this site for the past thirty days.
View Access History:Lists all users who have access to this site and indicates last date/time of access.
View User Permissions:Lists permissions for all users with access to this site. The user permissions pages displays the list of users and their permissions and rights.
View Request Tracking:Shows the request tracking by user for the site for the past 30 days.

Quick Launch Menu

The Quick Launch Menu is located along the left side of all project site pages. The Quick Launch Menu displays links to featured site content containers such as lists, libraries, sites and publishing pages. The menu:

  • Can be configured, reordered, and its contents can vary from site to site.
  • As new apps (libraries, lists, etc.) are added to the site, the Site Creator can choose to include a link to the item on the Quick Launch Menu.

Quick Launch Menu Customization

The Quick Launch Area can be configured by Site Administrators who can determine what is displayed in the menu, the ordering, and the headings. Because the Quick Launch Menu is configurable, all lists and libraries for the site may not always display. Customizations of the Quick Launch Menu are done on a site-by-site basis; therefore, subsites do not inherit the parent site settings.

To customize the Quick Launch Menu:
1. Go to Settings dropdown menu (gear icon).
2. Select Site Settings.
3. Under the Look and Feel section, select Navigation.
4. Scroll to the Structural Navigation: Editing and Sorting section, and make any necessary changes. Click OK.

Site Contents

The Site Content navigation element is available from the Settings menu and from the Quick Launch Menu. Site Contents acts like a Table of Contents for the site collection. From the Site Contents page, users can easily view what is available in the site and navigate to desired content. The Site Content link cannot be customized or disabled in the user interface.

Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin displays as a link in the upper right corner of the Site Content page. The Recycle Bin acts as a multi-stage recycle bin, providing a safety net when deleting documents, list items, folders, and files. When site members delete any of these items from a site, the items are placed in the Recycle Bin and remain there for 30 days. 

Recycle Bin Process:
To open the Recycle Bin and view all the content recently deleted, go to Site Contents and click Recycle Bin. From there, deleted items can be restored or permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin. 
Stage 1: End-user deletes a document from a document library.
Stage 2: The document is moved to the site’s Recycle Bin, where the user can restore or delete it.
Stage 3: If the file is deleted from the site Recycle Bin, it is sent to the Site Collection Recycle Bin, where it remains for an additional 30 days, from here an administrator can restore it or delete it permanently. 

The Site Collection Recycle Bin gives the administrator of a site collection greater control over deleted items by providing a second stage safety net before an item is permanently deleted. 

The Site Collection Recycle Bin is enabled in a site collection by default, and is configured by Exostar at the site collection web application level. Exostar can also disable the Site Collection Recycle Bin, or disable the Recycle Bin in a site collection altogether, upon request of an Organization Administrator
How to Access the Recycle Bin:
1. From the Quick Launch Menu, click Site Contents.
2. In the upper right of the Site Contents page, click Recycle Bin.
3. Place a checkmark next to an item in the recycle bin. With the item selected:
– To Restore: Click Restore Selection.
– To Delete: Click Delete Selection.
Recycle Bin Tips:
– If you restore an item originally located in a deleted folder, the folder is recreated in its original location and the item is restored in that folder.
– Items deleted more than 30 days prior are automatically permanently deleted from the user’s recycle bin.
– Items in the recycle bin count toward the site quota.
– Items are sorted in descending order by date deleted.
– The second stage is invoked when the end user deletes the item from the Recycle Bin. The item no longer displays in the interface for the end user and no longer counts toward the site quota. The Site Collection Administrators can see all second-stage deleted items and can restore deleted items from this stage.

File Toolbar Ribbon

Each App, or content area, in ForumPass provides toolbar ribbons designed to help you easily locate and complete a command. While a ForumPass project site collection may include a variety of list and library apps, the process of managing content – whether creating, viewing, tracking or editing – within each app is handled similarly. 

The Items/Files Toolbar Ribbon (located on the left) is used to manage content contained within a Library. The number and types of controls available on a toolbar ribbon vary, as they are dependent on the content and your permissions within the content area.

New:This section of the toolbar allows you to add new items to the content area.
Open & Checkout:This section of the toolbar allows you to check items or files out and check the items or files back into the content area. Checking an item or file out ensures no one else makes edits while you are working with the file.
Manage:This section allows you to batch edit files, view file properties, edit file properties, delete files, view versioning history, as well as view who the file is shared with.
Share & Track:This section allows you to share items or files with others, alert set-up and management, and the Follow icon to save a certain item or file.
Copies:This section allows you to download, cut, copy, and paste items or files.
Workflows:This section houses workflow management.
Tags & Notes:This section allows you set tags or notes on items or files for others to see.

Library Toolbar Ribbon

ForumPass Project Site Collections typically include a variety of list and library content areas, or apps. Each content area provides two toolbar ribbons designed to help you easily locate and complete commands used to facilitate collaboration, manage content and manage content areas.

  • Library/List Ribbon: Offers many commands used to help define and manage the content area, including display views, content filters, library alerts, customization tools, and library settings, among other things. This toolbar is covered more extensively in the Site Creator class.
  • Files/Item Ribbons: Offers many commands used to help manage the content within the content area.
View Format:View: Displays items in the standard format.
Quick Edit View: Displays items in a datasheet or workbook format.
Manage Views:Create View: Allows for the selection of columns, filters, and settings to create a view.
Open in Tree View: Shows files and folders in tree view fashion.
Modify View: Allows for the modification of the current view.
Create Column: Allows you to add a column to the list.
Current View Filter: Toggle between views in order to define content being displayed.
Share & Track:Email a Link: Sends a link to this library to your designated recipient.
Alert Me: Allows the user to receive email notifications when items within this list change.
RSS Feed: View and subscribe to the RSS feed for this list.
Connect & Export:Export View Data: Export the data from the current view of the list to an Excel workbook.
Export List Data: Export the data from all columns in this list to an Excel workbook.
Connect/Sync To Outlook: Synchronize items and make them available offline using Microsoft Outlook.
Export to Excel: Export the data from the current view of this list to an Excel workbook.
Open with Explorer / Project / Access: Work with list items using MS Office applications.
Customize Library:Form Web Parts: Modify the Web Parts in the forms associated with this library.
Settings:Library Settings: Go to the Library Settings page to manage settings such as permission, columns, views, and policy.
Shared With: Add, modify or remove user permissions associated with this library.
Workflow Settings: Modify the workflows associated with this library, or add new workflows.
Updated on April 19, 2024
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