PolicyPro User Management

Please note, only admin users have the capability to add users and update roles. Admins have the ability to add up to three additional users. When added, users are defaulted to normal users, however admins also have the ability to grant admin permission to users. PolicyPro supports different user types:
Super-user: This account is automatically created for you when you purchase multiple licenses of PolicyPro under the same email address. This type of user can select the various product licenses upon logging in and designate admin users and normal users. This user can also use the product as a normal user can.
Admin: This account is automatically created for you when you first purchase PolicyPro. This type of user can add normal users and admin users. This user can also use the product as a normal user can.
Normal user: This account is created when the admin or super-user creates an account. This user can access all of the functionality of PolicyPro: uploading documents for assessment, creating policies in policy builder and exporting results. You cannot add new users or choose other licenses as a normal user.

Add New User

To add a new user:

1. Click the Support Information button located on the lower left-hand side. See the User Types section below for more information. 

2. Click the Accounts button on the upper right-hand side of the pop-up box. 

3. Click the +Add button, located on the right-hand side. 

4. Enter in the person’s First name, Last name and Email address. 

NOTE: You can also designate new users as an admin. 

5. Click Submit. New users will receive their login instructions via email within 24 hours. 

NOTE: If further assistance is needed, please contact customer support at (443) 445-0560. Admins have the ability to add up to 3 additional users. When added, users are defaulted to normal users, however admins also have the ability to grant admin permission to users. 

Edit Roles

To edit a user’s role:

1. Click on the user’s Edit button. 

NOTE: You must have at least one admin account on the platform. 

2. Click Normal User if you wish to change an admin to a normal user profile. Click Admin User if you wish to change a normal user to an admin profile. 

Disable Account

You can disable an account to prevent that user from being able to log in. Any previous data or work done by this user will still be in the system. To disable a user’s account:

1. Click the Disable Account button located on the lower left-hand corner of the user’s profile box. 

2. A confirmation pop-up displays. Click Submit to complete. 

A confirmation pop-up displays and the user’s profile box now displays as red and shows an Inactive status. 

Enable Account

To enable a user’s account:

1. Click on the Enable Account button located on the lower left-hand corner of the user’s profile box. 

2. A confirmation pop-up displays. Click Submit to continue. 

A confirmation pop-up displays to show a successful enabled account and the user’s profile box now displays as blue and shows an Active status. 

Updated on August 22, 2022
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