SAM Credential Administrator


Credential Administrators have access to the Credential Administration tab and Approve sub-tab, and they complete the following tasks in Secure Access Manager (SAM):

  • Approve a User Request for a Token
  • Cancel a User Request for a Token
  • Deny a User Request for a Token

Approve a User Request for a Token

Cancel a User Request for a Token

Deny a User Request for a Token

The Manage SOTP Service sub-tab (located under the Credential Administration tab) is available only to SOTP Client Administrators.

Credential Administration Tab

Credential Admins can process user requests for OTP hardware tokens from the Credential Administration tab in SAM. The GIF below provides the view of the Credential Administration tab:

Approve User Token Request

To approve a user’s request for a token:
1. Go to and login to the Exostar SAM Platform with a Credential Administrator account. Access the Credential Administration tab.
2. Use search filters (search by User ID or Email Address) to locate a specific request. Click Search.
3. Place a checkmark next to the request you would like to action. Please note you can only action requests with a Pending status.
4. Select an Action from the dropdown menu. You can choose to approve, deny, or cancel selected requests. Select Approve Selected Requests, and click Apply.
5. The requested action is complete, and the system reflects confirmation of the action. The user receive an email, informing them their OTP request was approved.

Cancel User Token Request

To cancel a user’s request for a token:
1. Go to and login to the Exostar SAM Platform with a Credential Administrator account. Access the Credential Administration tab.
2. Use search filters (search by User ID or Email Address) to locate a specific request. Click Search.
3. Place a checkmark next to the request you would like to action. Please note you can only action requests with a Pending status.
4. Select an Action from the dropdown menu. You can choose to approve, deny, or cancel selected requests. Select Cancel Selected Requests, and click Apply.
5. The requested action is complete, and the system reflects confirmation of the action. The user receives an email, informing them their OTP request was cancelled.

Deny User Token Request

To deny a user’s request for a token:
1. Go to and login to the Exostar SAM Platform with a Credential Administrator account. Access the Credential Administration tab.
2. Use search filters (search by User ID or Email Address) to locate a specific request. Click Search.
3. Place a checkmark next to the request you would like to action. Please note you can only action requests with a Pending status.
4. Select an Action from the dropdown menu. You can choose to approve, deny, or cancel selected requests. Select Deny Selected Requests, and click Apply.
5. The requested action is complete, and the system reflects confirmation of the action. The user receives an email, informing them that their OTP request was denied.

SOTP Client Administrators

To manage my tasks:
SOTP Client Administrators have access to the Manage OTP Service sub-tab under the Credential Administration tab. From the Manage OTP Service sub-tab, they complete the following tasks: revoke accounts, manage One-Time Password (OTP) service for clients, and manage tokens, phones, and credentials. 

1. Log into SAM –, then select the Credential Administration tab.
2. Next click the Manage OTP Service sub-tab. You can search records by email address, user’s first and last name or user reference. To view the full list of records, click Search without selecting a search value.
3. Click the hyperlinked User ID to access individual accounts.
4. From within the record you can perform the available activities:
– Revoke specific accounts,
– Manage One-Time Password Service for clients, 
– Manage tokens, phones, and credentials
Updated on October 17, 2022
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