Medium Level of Assurance (MLOA) Software

The Medium Level of Assurance Software product includes three digital certificates: identity, encryption, and signature. The certificates are compliant to the Federal PKI standards and cross-certified with the Federal Bridge Certificate Authority. These digital certificates may be used to access Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG), and customer applications behind MAG. Please follow-up with your Partner on required credentialing to ensure you complete the correct purchase.

Step 1. Purchase

Follow-up with your Partner to ensure you complete the correct credential purchase. 

To purchase MLOA Software Certificates:
1. Login to MAG and select Billing and Support, located at the bottom of the MAG Dashboard
2. Select the Exostar Web Store – Home Page tab.
3. Select the purchase now link located next to Medium Level of Assurance (MLOA) – Software.  Choose the one-year or three-year option.
4. Select one of the Buy options:
Buy For Yourself
Buy For Other(s): Selecting this option requires you fill in the user’s information.
5. Select from the Country drop-down and click the Add to Cart button.
6. Review your Shopping Cart for accuracy, and click the Proceed to Checkout button.
7. On the Payment Information page, select to pay via credit card or invoice.  Fill out all required information.  Click Continue.
NOTE: The invoice option requires you complete payment before receiving your product.
8. On the Review and Submit Your Order page, click the Disclaimer link and review the information.  Once you complete your review, select the checkbox next to I have read and acknowledged the following Disclaimer prior to purchase.
9. Click Submit Order.
NOTE:  A confirmation page displays, providing your Sales Order Number (SO#####).

Step 2. Request FIS Access

Once you complete your MLOA Software Certificate purchase, you must request access through your MAG user account. Please ensure you make selections based off your purchase. An Exostar Trusted Agent will compare your request to the associated purchase, and if it is incorrect, they will deny the request.

To request FIS MLOA Software access:
1. Login to MAG. Select Request Access in the Federated Identity Service (FIS) section, bottom right corner, of the My 2FA Credentials section.
2. In the FIS Certificate Information section, make selections from the drop-down menus provided. 
NOTE: These selections must match your purchase.
3. In the User Information section, verify all data input. Click Next.
A confirmation screen displays. Your Organization’s FIS Administrator must approve your request. Once your request is approved, the request is routed to Exostar for review and approval. You must complete an in-person proofing appointment prior to downloading your certificates.

Step 3. Complete In-Person Proofing

In order to utilize MLOA Software certificates, you must complete an in-person proofing appointment with a verified agent. f you are a Supplier located in the United States, our vendor NotaryGo, will contact you to setup a proofing appointment with one of their Trusted Agents.  For users outside the United States, a Trusted Agent from Verify Europe will contact you to set-up a proofing appointment.  Please note, the Trusted Agent completes a proofing packet for Exostar’s review. For additional information on the proofing process, please see the MLOA In-Person Proofing page. 

To complete your in-person proofing appointment:
1. Schedule proofing appointment with Trusted Agent.
NOTE: The Trusted Agent will contact you.
2. Complete a successful proofing appointment. You must provide acceptable identity documentation, as well as an employment verification letter. Please see the MLOA In-Person Proofing page for additional information on identification and a letter example. 
– If you complete a successful proofing appointment, the Trusted Agent provides a 16-digit passcode. This passcode is required during the download process.
– If you do not complete a successful proofing appointment (i.e., invalid identity documentation), you may incur a new proofing cost. 

Step 4. Download Certificates

Once you complete your in-person proofing appointment, the Trusted Agent faxes your proofing packet to Exostar for review. As long as the packet meets all requirements, an Exostar representative will approve the packet. Once your packet is approved, you receive a notification prompting you to download your certificates. 

To download your MLOA Software Certificates:
1. Login to your MAG account. Go to the My Account tab, and click the Manage Certificates tab.
2. Enter the passcode provided to you by your proofing agent during your in-person proofing appointment. This passcode is only valid after you receive an FIS approval email from Exostar.   
NOTE: The passcode is a 16-digit number separated by hyphens; for example: 1234-5678-1234-5678. You must enter all characters, including hyphens (or leave hyphens out completely). The passcode is NOT the same as your MAG log-in password.
3. Archive the encryption key. If your passcode is correct, you will see the list of certificates you can download. The system automatically selects all certificates for download. Click OK to archive your encryption key, and enable key recovery. 
NOTE: This activity allows Exostar to archive the encryption key for recovery at a later time. Refer to the Recover Encryption Key page for more information.
4. Enable Strong Protection. Click Set Security Level, and then set the security level to High.
NOTE: Exostar strongly recommends you enable strong protection for your MLOA certificates, unless there are corporate policies against doing so.
5. By default, the Medium option is already selected. Change this to High and click Next.
6. Provide a password for this certificate.
NOTE: You must provide this password each time you use your certificate.
7. The system displays the new security level. Click OK.
8. Download the certificates. The system prompts you for the password set in step 6, to download the certificates. Once you enter the password, click OK.
Once the download is complete, a confirmation message displays.
NOTE: Refer to the FAQs section of the FIS Training Resources page for information on any certificate download errors.
Updated on August 22, 2022
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