Boeing 787 SCMP Shipment FAQs

If the Shipment Number is less than the maximum number of characters (i.e. 12345), is this what will be printed in the Shipping Labels or will the number be prefixed with additional ‘0’ to make it the maximum number of characters, (e.g. “0000012345”)?
The shipping label will not pad the shipment number if the shipment number is less than the maximum number of digits. It will simply display what comes in the data.
Why are the totals different between the ‘My Workspace – Shipment Summary’ window and the ‘Order Management – Shipment Summary’ page?
The My Workspace – Shipment Summary window displays the total count of shipments for Blanket, Discrete, and Reverse Logistics POs; while the Order Management – Shipment Summary page displays the total count of shipments for only Blanket and Discrete POs.
When I create a shipment, do I have to put in all three values for Departure date, Arrival date, and Shipping Days?
No, you only need to enter two of these. There is logic for Departure date, Arrival date, and Shipping Days calculation implemented into the solution. Occasionally, the logic does not work when keypad tab is used to switch from one field to other, although the logic always works when the mouse is used.
Does SCMP handle ‘Ship Short’?
No, the Ship Short process is outside the SCMP solution scope.
On the shipping label, what is the License Plate number information? What does that number correspond to, and how is that number generated?
The License Plate Number (LPN) is a Boeing requirement and not generally used by suppliers/partners beyond just generating the bar code label. The LPN bar code is scanned at Boeing Receiving and the shipment value in the bar code is matched to the value in the previously sent shipment, which is tied to PO/Line#/Part#/Qty data in Boeing’s internal ERPLN system. This allows for a streamlined and accurate receiving process at Boeing as opposed to reading the packing slip and manually entering data to match the shipment to the PO information.
When created through the SCMP User Interface, the LPN on the shipping label is generated by using the logic below given the following sample values for the shipment:
– Supplier DUNS Number = 123456789
– Shipment ID = A50000014
– Total Number of Packages = 3
Then, the LPN shown in the SCMP User Interface would be UN123456789A50000014003, representing the following:
– “UN” + “SupplierDuns” + “AsnId” + “TotalNumberOfPackages”
When printing the Shipping Labels (a pair of labels for each package), the following will be the values for the LPNs:
– LPN for the first Label set = UN123456789A50000014001
– LPN for the second Label set = UN123456789A50000014002
– LPN for the third Label set = UN123456789A50000014003
However, if the shipment is created through the EDI feed, the LPN may or may not be of the format “UN+SupplierDUNS+AsnId+TotalNumberOfPackages”.
When I select lines to add to my Shipment, I get an error that says “Shipments can be created only against Orders with the same Ship-to-Site”. My problem is all the lines say they are shipping to the same location. What fields do I need to look at to validate the ship-to location is the same?
When SCMP validates all shipment lines are shipping to the same Ship-to-Site, the following fields are used:

Ship-To Name
Receipt Address
Ship-To Address
Ship-To Address 2
Ship-To Address 3
Ship-To Address 4
Ship-To City
Ship-To Region
Ship-To Postal Code
Ship-To Country
Updated on September 16, 2022
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