Boeing 787 SCMP Purchase Order FAQs

Is there a way to see both Blanket and Discrete POs at the same time? 
Yes, that is the default.
As a Supplier, I am looking at a PO in the Processing State. If I make changes in the upper section AND make changes in the lower section, does it matter whether I click the ‘Acknowledge with Exceptions’ or ‘Supplier Modify’ button?
Yes. Supplier Modify is for capturing only the line level changes. Acknowledge with Exceptions is for capturing only the header level changes. There is no button for capturing both the header level and the line level changes. Contact your Boeing Buyer and ask them to make corrections and issue a Purchase Order Change.
As a Supplier, I did not change any of the line data but clicked the ‘Supplier Modify’ button. Will that move the PO in the ‘Acknowledge with Exceptions’ state?
As a Supplier, I completed one line item in the PO, but there is another line item I want to complete. I cannot act on the remaining line item because there is no ‘Complete PO Line’ button. Now what?
As long as any line item is in a state that does not allow it to be completed, there will be no Complete PO Line button displayed. You should use the State drop-down menu and choose Accepted or Processing, then click the Filter button. Once the filter is applied, the Complete PO Line button displays.
As a Supplier, if I accidentally move a PO to the ‘Completed’ state, can I change it back?
Yes, POs in a Completed state may be moved to the Accepted state.
Can a PO in the ‘Acknowledge with Exceptions’ state be moved to the ‘Completed’ state?
Yes, POs in the Acknowledged with Exceptions state may be moved to the Accepted or Completed state.
As a Buyer, I am looking at a PO in the ‘Acknowledge with Exceptions’ state. Is there any way to easily tell what exceptions the Supplier entered?
Yes. For Acknowledge with Exceptions state, the normal practice is for Suppliers to enter the changes required in the Supplier Message field.
As a Buyer, I am looking at a PO in the ‘Rejected’ state. Is there any way to easily tell why the Supplier rejected the PO?
Yes. For Rejected POs, the normal practice is for the Supplier to enter the reason for rejecting the PO in the Supplier Message field of the PO header.
As a Supplier, I am looking at a PO in the ‘New Change’ state. Is there any way to easily tell what items were changed?
No. Specific field changes are not flagged. However, for New Change state, the normal practice is for the Buyer to notify the Supplier about what changed by entering PO header and PO line notes. You may also look at the Item Change Type Code field to see a description of the change sent for the PO line.
If you create a Blanket PO when you meant to create a Discrete PO, can you change the PO type?
No, you must cancel the existing Blanket PO and create a new Discrete PO. This is because the order type is being transmitted as part of the EDI transaction from within Boeing’s ERP system, and this data field is not maintainable after the purchase order is created.
After Boeing creates a PO and sends it to the Providing Partner, how does a Consuming Partner know about it so that she/he (the Consuming Partner) can create a Planning Schedule?
There is a Missing Planning Schedule exception that will flag items with no Planning Schedule.
Will a Purchase Order Change wipe out data in the original Purchase Order?
The system treats PO changes as net changes. Therefore, if a POC is sent after a PO, the POC updates the existing PO only for PO lines and data fields where the new data is being sent. It will not wipe out the existing (unchanged) data in the PO, which will remain as it is.
How do I know what quantity is required by Boeing for a given PO?
The current solution receives the ordered quantity from Boeing for each PO line and displays this information in the Orig Req Qty field for each PO line in the SCMP system.
How does the system handle a POC backorder, after a partial shipment is received?
The current solution receives the backorder with an updated quantity and changes the PO’s Qty Ordered to the backorder quantity. This is also referred to as the balance to go.
I received a POC that cancelled one line item in the PO, but there are several other line items I have not yet responded to. My problem is I cannot act on the remaining line items because there is no ‘Accept’ button. Now what?
As long as any line item is in a state that does not allow it to be accepted, there will be no Accept button displayed. You should use the State drop-down menu and choose Processing, then click the Filter button. Once the filter is applied, the Accept button displays.
In a Masked PO, what are the fields the Consuming Partner cannot view, which Boeing and the Providing Partner can view?
The following items:
– Carrier Description
– Contract Number
– Contract Position
– Header Notes
– Order Line Notes
– Ordered Amount – Dollar value
– Price
– Price UOM (Unit of Measure)
– Tax Exemption Text1
– Tax Exemption Text2
– Terms of Delivery
– Terms of Payment
I am a Boeing buyer (or Consuming Partner), who is talking on the phone with a Providing Partner. We are looking at the same PO. The Providing Partner says they just acted on the PO we are both viewing. How do I refresh my screen to see this?
You can refresh the PO State by clicking the Filter button.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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