Boeing 787 SCMP Download/Upload FAQs

Are there any record limits for import and export?
There is a 500-record limit for importing data and a 1000-record limit for exporting data.
Rather than download Collab data, can I just use the ‘Export’ icon on the MCV page?
Yes, if you do not intend to make changes and upload the changes. Also, Export will create a tab-delimited text file of only the Collabs showing on the MCV page, which limits it to no more than five Collabs. If you plan to change and upload the data, and/or need more than five Collabs, you should use the Download Files menu rather than Export.
I downloaded a month’s worth of data and worked offline. After I uploaded the revised data, the months’ worth of revised data was there, but all the next three months’ worth of data was missing. Why?
When you download your data, if you use a date range less than the entire data measure horizon, when you upload your data anything beyond the date range will be purged. You should always download the full date range of existing data if you plan to work offline and then upload your changes.
I tried to upload a file containing a brand new item, but it failed. Why?
Data can be uploaded into SCMP only if Material Master information for the new item is loaded prior to your upload attempt.
In what instance will new loaded data overwrite or aggregate to existing values on a particular Collab?
The system always overwrites existing values.
For an upload, if the data for the data measures varies from that on the PO, will the upload fail? For example, ‘St.’ versus ‘Street’, or ‘ea.’ versus ‘each’.
There is no text comparison performed between the data you enter and the data on the PO.
I uploaded a file, but it failed with the error message: Insufficient Role Permissibility. What do I need to do?
The role you were using for this upload does not grant you the needed permissibility. You either need to change your role or contact your Business Process person to request the appropriate role for you.
I uploaded a file, but received the error message: Invalid DM Type Count. What do I need to do?
If you upload a Planning Schedule with a Date that has no quantity value for that PIT, you get that error message; however, the remaining valid PIT data will successfully add.
Updated on September 1, 2022
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