Boeing 787 SCMP B2B FAQs

During installation of the B2B Client, I forgot to request email alerts when errors occur in processing an outbound document, or a document expiring its TTL. Can I do that now or do I have to reinstall the B2B Client?
If not configured during install time, follow these steps to configure an already installed instance:
1. Go to /conf.
2. Edit the file: b2bApplianceDefs.xml.
3. Locate the line: “com.e2open.b2ba.core.EmailErrorHandler“. Add the following lines after that: a. b. c. d.
4. Save the changes. Restart the B2B Client.
What is TTL?
TTL is Time To Live. All files older than the TTL and not yet transferred to the Hub, will be moved to the /production/errors directory. TTL is defined in /lft/ file as “lft.transfer=xxxx”. The TTL default is 1440 minutes, which is one day. The minimum value is five. The TTL default value can be changed and the B2B Client restarted.
When I receive a zip file over the B2B Client, it has a .txt extension instead of .zip. Is there somewhere in the profile where I specify the extension for outbound files?
Yes, you can update the field in your Trading Partner profile, .txt. On your system look for /e2open/app/e2na/ebl//solution/onboarding/profiles/site/ /common/.xml.
Updated on September 1, 2022
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