DFARS 252 CS Form Completion

Complete DFARS 252 CS Form

To complete the DFARS 252 CS Form: 

1. Click the Edit icon next to the name of the form you would like to edit, or click directly on the form name in the Form Summary widget on your Dashboard page to redirect to the Form Details page.

NOTE: If this is the first time anyone in your organization is submitting the DFARS 252 form using PIM, the Start button displays at the top of the page. If your organization already completed and submitted the form, or someone in your organization already started the form, there are two options to Click to Edit on this page.

2. Click the Start button.

NOTE: If your organization already started or completed the form:

  • Select the Click to Edit button to edit the entire form.
  • Select the Edit button next to the desired section to edit individual sections.

3. You are directed to the Welcome section of the form. In this section, click the Next button until you reach the Submitter Details page.

4. Enter the requested detail information of the person submitting the form and click the Next button.

5. You are directed to the Welcome page. Click the Next button.

6. You are presented with the first question of the DFARS Assertions  section of the form. Answer the question and click the Next button. Continue to answer all questions and click Next until you reach the Contact Information page.

NOTE: This form contains up to eight questions, which may or may not be required based on your answers to specific questions within the form. If you provide a No for the first question, indicating you do not generate or process CUI data, you are not required to answer any other form questions.

7. On the Contact Information page, enter the contact details for up to four (4) contacts in your organization.

8. Click the Submit Response button and confirm your submission on the Confirmation pop–up window.


  • You are redirected back to the Form Details page.
  • Your form is immediately scored and scores display on this page. Scores and responses are also immediately made available to your Buyer.  
  • The form details page provides three scores if you process and/or generate CUI data. These scores include:
    • NIST Compliance (Y/N)
    • Sharing of CDI Data (Y/N)
    • Flow down of DFAR Requirements (Y/N)

To go back to the PIM Form Resources page, click here.

Updated on August 23, 2022
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