Boeing 787 SCMP Return Shipment Manifest


To view a return shipment manifest:

1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Order Management, Return Shipment, Summary.

2. In the Shipment Summary window, from the pull down menu choose Return Shipment Manifest.

3. For the desired category, click the Total number.

4. From the results list, click the Shipment Number you want to view in more detail.


To create a return shipment manifest:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Order Management, Return Shipment, Create Return Shipment.
2. Enter search criteria. When finished, click the Search button.
3. Click the Order Number checkbox to select the desired item. Click the Next button.
4. Enter the Document Header data. Revise the Ship To information. The Ship To information defaults to the original Consuming Partner. For returns, the Ship To must be revised to the Providing Partner location.
5. Enter the Document Line Items data.
NOTEReturned Quantity must be less than zero, or an error occurs.
6. Remove line items from the return shipment by clicking the Duplicate/Remove Lines icon next to a row in the create shipment form.
– All values from the copied line carry over to the duplicate line.
– As long as there is more than one line item, the Remove Line option displays.
– Once the return shipment is sent, you can no longer duplicate/remove line items. However, you can duplicate/remove line items from draft return shipments.

7. Click the Send Shipment button. 
NOTE: To delay sending, use Save Draft instead.
8. To view the return shipment details, click the Shipment Number in the Creation Status window.

Create Draft

To hold a return shipment as a draft version (and delay sending), when you are on the Create form, click Save Draft instead of Send Shipment. You cannot print a draft version or create labels for a draft. All required data fields must be populated before you can save a draft (you can edit the data later). 

To locate and publish a return shipment manifest draft:
1. Go to Order ManagementReturn ShipmentDraft Search.
2. Enter search criteria to locate the draft and click Search.
3. From the Return Shipment Draft List page, click the Shipment Number link to edit the data on the Details page.
NOTE: From this list page, you can also delete the draft by selecting a row and clicking Delete Draft.
4. Once the return shipment data is complete, click Send Shipment.
– You can also delete or update the draft version from the draft details page.
– Draft versions are not visible by users with other roles. If a draft is created by a user with a different role, it will not be visible to until the document is moved out of draft status.


To complete a return shipment manifest:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Order ManagementReturn ShipmentSummary. Click the Total number from the Shipment category.
2. Optionally, from My Workspace, select Return Shipment Manifest from the drop-down menu. Click the Shipment Number.
3. Enter or edit the Actual Ship Date.
NOTE: Return date as Actual Ship Date must be today or a future date; not a past date. If no return date is entered, an error occurs.
4. Click the Line ID checkbox to select it, and click to Complete Line (change the state to Completed) or click Save (leave in Sent state, but commit the date change).


To following fields are editable in the Detail page:

Shipment LevelField Name
HeaderBill of Lading/Packing Slip Number
HeaderShipping Instruction
HeaderShip to Company
HeaderShip to Address
HeaderShip to Address 2
HeaderShip to Address 3
HeaderShip to State
HeaderShip to Zip
HeaderShip to Country
HeaderShip to City
LineReturned Qty
LineReceiver Reference
LineSerial Number
LineCarrier Company
LineCarrier Authorization #
LineHazardous Class Code
LineHaz Regulation Code
LineHaz Regulation Code Other
To update a return shipment:
1. From the Navigation Tree, go to Order ManagementReturn ShipmentSearch.
2. From the Search page, enter the return shipment number in the Shipment Number field. Click the Search button.
NOTE: Fields are case sensitive. You can also complete a wildcard search using the asterisk (*).
3. Based on the search criteria entered previously, the Return Shipment Manifest List displays.
4. Click the hyperlinked Shipment Number to open the shipment you wish to update.
5. On the Return Shipment Manifest page, you will see the fields available for update. Update any editable header or line level fields as needed.
NOTE: A table of editable fields is available at the beginning of this section.
6. For your updates to be accepted, ASN Lines must be selected. Place a check in the box next to ASN Line.
NOTE: If no ASN lines are selected, the user receives an error message and the update will not be accepted.
7. Click the Update button when you are ready to re-send the updated Return Shipment to Boeing.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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