Boeing 787 SCMP Receiver Reference Number

A Receiver Reference Number helps a Consuming Partner relate a shipment from a Providing Partner to the Consuming Partner’s internal system. The Consuming Partner provides the Receiver Reference Number in the planning schedule for each time bucket. The Providing Partner includes Receiver Reference Number in the shipment. The Consuming Partner uses the Receiver Reference Number to receive goods and match them with their internal system, outside of SCMP. The Consuming Partner creates a receipt in SCMP, which transmits the goods receipt document to Boeing.

Enter Number

Consuming Partner enters a Receiver Reference Number in the planning schedule using the PIT Info window in the user interface, or during a file upload. To enter the number:

1. Enter the Receiver Reference Number for each time bucket.

NOTE: It can be the same for all PITs.

2. Click the Submit button.

Retrieve Number

Providing Partner retrieves the Receiver Reference Number in the Planning Schedule using the PIT Info window. To retrieve the number:

1. Click the Planning Schedule Qty data measure name.

2. Record the Receiver Reference Number for future process step.

Add to Shipment

To add the Receiver Reference Number to a shipment:

1. On the Create Shipment page, for the Receiver Reference Number, choose the value from the drop down menu.

NOTE: The drop down values are populated from the Planning Schedule Receiver Reference Number when entered by the Consuming Partner.

2. Complete the remainder of the shipment and click the Send Shipment button.


Providing Partner prints PMI Reference Label with Receiver Reference Number. To print the label:

1. On the Shipment Details page (after it was sent in BSCP), click the Print icon.

2. In the Select Document Type window, click the PMI Reference Label radio button.

3. Click the Next button.

4. Select to Open or Save the file.

5. In the PDF window, click the Print button.

NOTE: The Receiver Reference Number is included on the label.

Updated on August 23, 2022
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