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CTAM Training Resources

User Guides

CTAM User Guide: This guide provides step-by-step instructions, as well as screenshots on CTAM management.


Please see the most frequently asked questions for the CTAM applications:

What is Exostar’s Clinical Trial Access Manager (CTAM)?
Exostar’s Clinical Trial Access Manager (CTAM) is a transformative solution, targeting inefficiencies in site personnel access management within clinical studies. CTAM aims at unifying and streamlining access control. It responds to the industry’s call for a more integrated, secure, and user-friendly systems. CTAM aids in simplifying the processes, as well as emphasizing compliance and operational efficiency, thereby achieving the goal for a hassle-free clinical study.
What are the key CTAM benefits?
– The CTAM platform aims at streamlining clinical trial application access. It provides a centralized platform for trial access and data management.

– It simplifies the complexities around clinical trials by automating critical processes like onboarding users and applications, as well as ensuring regulatory compliance.

– CTAM helps clinical study teams quickly setup trials by reducing administrative burdens, which increases efficiency.
How easy is it to onboard and train users on your product?
CTAM offers a very user friendly and simple user interface, which helps users get acclimatized to the application. Please see the application resources section for process-specific articles, as well as the downloadable user guide listed above.
What types of organizations or users benefit most from this product?
Exostar designed CTAM with not only sponsors in mind, but also sites. CTAM provides users trial and access details pertaining to specific sites, which will in turn help site administration.
What reporting capabilities does your product offer?
Users can generate audit reports for trials and sites using the Reports tab. Please see the CTAM Reporting article for more information.
Updated on August 19, 2024
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