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CTAM Site Management

The Site Management tab allows users to create and manage sites to maintain appropriate site data. These sites can then be associated to trials.

Site Management Navigation

The following options are available to navigate the Site Management tab:

  • Use the search bar to locate existing sites
  • The search results can be further refined using Site Name, Created Date, or Updated Date
  • Search results can be reordered in ascending or descending order
  • The right-side panel displays a view-only mode of site details and associated trials for the currently selected site

Create New Site

To create a new site:

1. Navigate to the Site Management tab. Select the Create New Site option.

2. Complete all required Site Details. Click the Create button.

NOTE: The selected site can be associated to trials by selecting the Edit button and searching and/or (multi)selecting from the list of clinical trials. The changes can then be saved and display under the associated Trials tab on the right side panel.

Updated on August 2, 2024
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