Boeing 787 SCMP Favorites and Homepage

Add to Favorites

The Boeing 787 SCMP application supports creating favorited links, or bookmarks. To add to your Favorites Bar:

1. Navigate to the page you want to favorite. Click the Add to Favorites option in the left-hand header. 

2. The Name and Save In location is pre-populated. You can edit both, if necessary.

NOTE: You can select to create folders to further organize your Favorites list. Select View More Options to view the URL for the page you are saving.

3. Click Save.

The favorited page displays in the top header.

Change Homepage

The Boeing 787 SCMP application provides the option to change the homepage that displays when you login to the system. To change your home page:

1. Navigate to the desired page. Click the Add to Favorites option in the left-hand header. 

2. The Name and Save In location is pre-populated. You can edit both, if necessary.

3. Select View More Options.

4. Place a checkmark next to Set as Homepage

5. Click Save.

Updated on July 17, 2023
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