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TLS Deprecation

Your Security Is Our Top Priority

Outdated web browsers place you at risk! They use Version 1.0 or Version 1.1 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) communications protocol to encrypt your data. TLS v1.0 and TLS v1.1 are vulnerable to compromise, threatening the security of your data, and that is unacceptable to us.

As a result, starting on March 20, 2020, Exostar will no longer support versions of web browsers that rely on TLS v1.0 or TLS v1.1. If you try to connect to the Exostar network using one of these browsers, you will be denied access.

Check your browser on this test URL by salesforce.comhttps://tls1test.salesforce.com/s/.

Why wait another day? Here’s all you need to do to protect yourself – upgrade your browser to one of the following:

Google Chrome30 and later
Microsoft Edge12 and later
Mozilla Firefox27 and later
Safari7 and later

The sooner you upgrade, the sooner we all can rest easy that your data is safe!  If you need assistance with the upgrade, contact your IT department.  We will work with them as needed to keep you connected and secure.

Thanks for your support!

Updated on August 12, 2022
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