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Supplier Bulk Load Support

Welcome to bulk onboarding support! This page will help you prepare your files before we onboard them into the Exostar platform. We’ve provided some tips below to ensure the mass invitation process runs smoothly and without delay. If you have any issues please contact us at ExostarBulkLoadSupport@exostar.com.

IMPORTANT! This page is dedicated to the bulk load process that is NOT supported within the MAG user interface. This process typically coincides with new project/application Go-Live activities and large scale supplier onboarding tasks. If you are looking for help with the Bulk Upload Process utilized in MAG, please refer to MAG Bulk Uploads.

Step 1. Download Template

Download user and organization CSV file

Once you download your file, follow the guidelines in the next step. The more accurate the data you provide, the quicker we can can get your new organizations and users onboarded.

Step 2. Populate Template

Upload Users

If the data in your CSV has been imported from another system, take the time to check if it is complete and does not include duplicates. We validate the data before importing it into the platform. If we come across issues, we’ll need your input to correct the data. This will slow down the onboarding process. 

– Check for duplicate users.
– Check all required fields are complete.
– Include at least one user for every new organization you’ll be uploading.

– Use generic email address such as ‘service@company.com’. 
– Include duplicate organizations, even ones with different vendor IDs.

Upload Organizations

Data from other automated sources sometimes include duplicates and missing fields. Common errors, such as generic emails and empty required fields will require us to check with you to confirm fixes. 

– Check all required fields are complete.
– User proper ISO codes for countries.
– Refer to the guidelines provided in the Bulk Load Specifications XLS file for further help.

– Include duplicate organizations – even ones with different Vendor IDs.
– Use generic email addresses such as ‘service@’.

Step 3. Upload Template to ForumPass

When you’re satisfied your files are complete, reach out to your Exostar contact. We will provide a secure link to upload your files via Exostar’s ForumPass application. Please note, to upload a file, you must have access to Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG), and be explicitly invited to the ForumPass site. 

Updated on September 15, 2023
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