SFT Workgroups

The Manager can use workgroups to determine how the users in a group transfer files, and whom the user can send packages. Workgroup types:
Open: All SFT users can upload packages to the workgroup, regardless of membership. Members of this workgroup can download files from it.
Private: Only members of this group can upload file packages to the members-only workgroup. Members of this workgroup can download files from it.
Moderated: Only this workgroup’s administrators can upload file packages to the moderated workgroup. Members of this workgroup can download files from it.
Restricted: No one can upload file packages to the restricted workgroup. Members of this workgroup can download file packages from it.


To create a new Workgroup:

1. Select the Workgroup tab → Create New → Workgroup.

2. Select the Workgroup Type.

3. Click Create.


Full: Allows all workgroup members to send file packages to other individuals in the same workgroup.

Workgroup Admin-Only: Workgroup members can only send file packages to the workgroup administrator, and the workgroup administrator cannot send to workgroup.

Restricted: All workgroup members cannot send file packages to other individual workgroup members.

Member Management

The workgroup administrator’s management permissions:

  • Existing Users: Workgroup admins can add or remove exiting users.
  • New Users: Workgroup admins cannot add or remove new users.

The following options are available for existing member management:

  • Set standard access
  • Set as workgroup admin
  • Deactivate
  • Activate
  • Remove
To add a user to a workgroup:
1. Select the Workgroup Name from the Workgroups tab.
2. Select View Members
3. Enter the user’s name in the Members field. Click Add User.
Updated on August 22, 2022
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