SFT Manager Responsibilities

Accounts List

Users are authenticated to SFT through Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG). Users can request access from their MAG dashboard, and the SFT Application Administrator can approve or deny that request. All users who are approved for SFT access display in the Accounts tab. 

Each entry in the Accounts list displays the user’s Login ID, First Name, Last Name, E-mail Address, Last Login date, date they were added to the system, and their Status. The Administrator and Manager roles are noted next to the names. Starting at the upper left of the Accounts window, you will see the number of users who are authorized to use Secure File Transfer. On the right side, the number of concurrent users/licenses displays. Rolls-Royce purchased 500 licenses (February 2014). Free up license slots by deactivating user accounts.

To activate, deactivate, or remove users:
1. Place a check mark next to the desired users.
2. Select the Actions drop down menu, and make your selection (activate, deactivate, remove). 
– In the user listing page, inactive accounts are shown in grey.
– Managers should not use the + New User button, since user access is controlled by their MAG account.

Use the Filter Controls to search for users or filter the display to users of a certain type. The filter searches through the following fields: first name, last name, username, and email.

To search and filter:
1. Enter keywords in the Filter field or select a user type from the drop down menu.
2. To sort users, click the column title.
NOTE: For example, click Login to sort accounts alphabetically by login.
3. Click again to sort in reverse order.

Edit User

To edit a user:

1. Navigate to the user’s account.

2. Make necessary changes to any of the editable fields.

3. Click the Update User button to save your changes, or Cancel to disregard.

Add User to Workgroup or Drop Box

To add a user to a workgroup or drop box, the workgroup or drop box must first exist. If a user is not a member of any workgroup or drop box, the Workgroups tab does not display, and they cannot send or receive packages to other SFT users, however they can send to an Open workgroup or drop box if one exists, but they cannot see the workgroup or drop box. 

To add a user to a workgroup or drop box:
1. Select the login ID from the User Account screen.
2. Select Workgroup Memberships from the top left.
3. From the Workgroup Memberships screen, select the desired group from the drop down menu, and click the Add User to Workgroup button.
Updated on August 22, 2022
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