SecureForms Supplier Admin/User Assistance

Edit and Submit Assigned Form

To edit and submit an assigned form:

1. From the Supplier Dashboard, click the form name from the Form List page

NOTE: The Form Progress bar indicates the percent of progress in populating the form.  The Request Status bar indicates the percent of progress in completing the request.  (A request begins when one to complete a form is submitted and ends when the form is submitted).

2. On the Form Details screen, click the Edit icon on the bottom right side of the screen.

3. From the Edit Form screen, make the desired updates. Once you complete your modifications, click the Submit Form button to send your form to RTX.

4. Clicking the paper icon in the top right corner opens a list of sections that can be navigated to without scrolling through every screen.

5. Once all required fields are complete, click the Submit Form button to open a popup screen to confirm the form should be submitted. 

6. After clicking OK, a further confirmation displays and the person that signed the form receives an email as well.

NOTE: If you are not ready to submit your form and would like to save it in its current state, click the Save & Exit button.


To reassign and assigned form:

1. From the Form Dashboard, go to the Pending Forms tab. Click the white arrow next to the form name to expand options. Click Reassign.

2. The Assign to User dropdown displays. Select the user and click Save.

3. The new assigned user receives an email notification advising they were assigned a form in SecureForms.

NOTE: Forms can also be reassigned from the Form Details page. Click the Reassign button and follow step two above.


To renew an assigned form:

1. From the Form Dashboard, go to the Completed Forms tab. Click the white arrow next to the form name to expand options. Click Renew.

2. The form is renewed and placed back in to the Pending Forms tab.

NOTE: The Form Progress bar indicates the percent of progress in populating the form.  The Request Status bar indicates the percent of progress in completing the request.  (A request begins when one to complete a form is submitted and ends when the form is submitted).

When the renewal process is initiated either by the supplier or by a RTX user, the Form Progress shows 100% due to the fact that the form pre-populates with answers from the previous submission.

3. Changes can be made as needed and then the form can be submitted by following the steps above.

Manage Users

To manage users:

1. From the Dashboard, click the X User icon on the bottom right side of the screen.

2. On the Organization Profile screen, locate the user and click Manage.

3. The Role Management pop-up screen displays. From this screen, Supplier Administrators can make the following changes: Update User Roles and Activate/Deactivate User Status.

NOTE: If a user is deactivated in SecureForms, they are not deactivated in MAG. To remove a user from MAG, contact the MAG Organization or Application Administrator.

Updated on January 4, 2024
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