SCP-MOD Training Resources

Buyer Guides

Below find guides and step-by-step instructions for Buyer-specific processes.

SCP-MOD Buyer – Get StartedBuyer: How to get started and navigate SCP-MOD platform
SCP-MOD Buyer – InvoicesBuyer: How to manage and reject invoices
SCP-MOD Buyer – OrdersBuyer: How to view and manage discrete orders
SCP-MOD Buyer – ShipmentsBuyer: How to view shipments and status

Supplier Guides

Below find guides and step-by-step instructions for Supplier-specific processes.

Guide Description
SCP-MOD Supplier – Get StartedSupplier: How to get started and navigate SCP-MOD platform
SCP-MOD Supplier – InvoicesSupplier: How to create and manage invoices
SCP-MOD Supplier – ePurchase OrdersSupplier: How to respond to ePurchase test orders
SCP-MOD Supplier – OrdersSupplier: How to create and manage discrete orders
SCP-MOD Supplier – Setup PreferencesSupplier: How to setup your preferences
SCP-MOD Supplier – ShipmentsSupplier: How to create shipments and print shipping labels
Invoice Template HelpSupplier: Overview of Invoice Upload Template process
Upload and DownloadSupplier: Overview of Upload/Download feature

Common Terms

Gax Code:This field is required and must be exactly seven characters. It’s made up of a five-character code (sometimes called contractor code), and a two-digit code (sometimes called site code and often, but not always 00) on the end. The GAX code can be obtained from your MOD Contract Manager or the CP&F Helpdesk at Defence Business Services on 0151 242 2000.


Learn how to create and send invoices, add taxes, and more.

Learn how to create and view shipments, print labels, notify buyers, and more.
Updated on January 9, 2024
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