SAM Service Provider Administrator


The Service Provider Administrators (SP Admins) are often referred to as application owners because they are responsible for managing access to the applications they administer. SP Admins have access to the Provider Administration tab, and can complete the following app management tasks:

  • Approve User Access Requests
  • Suspend or Reactivate User Access to Applications
  • Reset Permanent Passwords and Security Questions
  • Resend Activation Email
  • Suspend or Reactivate Application Access for Organizations
  • Turn on the Automatic Application Approval for Organizations
  • Turn Email Verification/Restriction On/Off

Please see the Housekeeping Rules page for additional information and action instructions.

SP Admin Insights

The New SP Admin (and EPA) Insights dashboard (March 2024) provides tailored insights with widgets that offer essential information at a glance, allowing admins to effectively analyze and understand their user’s activity.

As an SP Admin (or EPA), select the Tenant from the drop-down list and then select the Application. Click Update Data to refresh the insights for each tenant/application.

  • User Activity
  • Application Subscription Metrics
  • Subscriptions to First Access

This chart will display the user activity for your organization. The default display will show the user’s activity for active, suspended, and inactive users within your organization. You can view data for your organization for the last 7 days, 30 days, or up to 11 previous months.

This chart will display the total number of active users on one (1) line and the number of initiations sent for the selected application, offering an SP Admin view into the invitation process for the last 3 months.

This chart will provide detailed information on the invitation process for new and existing users. The first row details the average amount of time the user takes from accessing the first-time login link to accessing the application for the first time. The last row will provide information about the average amount of time this process takes for a new user (who does not have a SAM account) versus an existing user to access the application.

Provider Administration Tab 

SP Admins manage access to the applications they administer from the Provider Administration tab in SAM. The GIF below provides the view of the Provider Administration tab:

Manage User Access

To Approve a User’s Application Access:
User access requests can be accessed from the Approve link. Requests can be approved individually or in multiples. Follow the steps below to approve or deny requests:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the Approve link.
3. Use search filters to locate specific requests. Select the value in the Filter Request By drop-down menu to view all, new, or pending requests. Select the value in the Search For drop-down menu to enter a user name, user ID, or organization information. Click Search.
4. Review search results. To approve or deny an individual access request, select the desired request by clicking the Request Id link. Follow the prompts, and click Approve to approve application access. Click Deny to deny application access.  
5. To approve or deny multiple requests, select the desired requests by placing a check-mark in the box next to the Request ID link. From the Action drop-down menu, select the desired action: Approve Selected Requests or Deny Selected Requests, and click Apply.
You will receive a confirmation message, and the users receive an email advising of approval.
To Suspend a User’s Application Access:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the View Users link.
3. From the drop-down menu, select the desired search option and enter value. Click Search.
4. Click the User ID link for the desired user.
5. In the user’s profile, scroll to the bottom to locate the Application Settings section. Click Suspend next to the desired application.
6. A confirmation message displays. Click OK. The user’s account updates and their access to this application is now suspended. An updated status for the user displays.
To Reactivate a User’s Applications Access:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the View Users link.
3. From the drop-down menu, select the desired search option and enter value. Click Search.
4. Click the User ID link for the desired user.
5. In the user’s profile, scroll to the bottom to locate the Application Settings section. Click Activate next to the desired application.
6. A confirmation message displays. Click OK.
NOTE: Once a user becomes a Shared User, Sponsor Managed Org admins and MPAs are unable to suspend or reactivate access to non-sponsored applications. However, SP Admins can complete these tasks.

Reset Password & Security Questions

To Reset a User’s Password:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the View Users link.
3. Locate the user, and click the User ID link.
4. In the user’s profile, scroll to the bottom to locate the Application Settings section. Click Reset Permanent Password.
A confirmation message displays, and an email is sent to the user’s email address. The email contains a system-generated password.
NOTE: Once a user becomes a Shared User, Sponsor Managed Org admins and MPAs are unable to reset their permanent password.  However, SP Administrators can reset permanent passwords or resend activation email.
To Rset a User’s Security Questions:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the View Users link.
3. Locate the user, and click the User ID link.
4. In the user’s profile, scroll to the bottom to locate the Application Settings section, click Reset Permanent Password.
5. Click Reset Security Question to reset the user’s security question.
6. The user will receive an email with instructions on how to reset their security questions.

Resend Activation Email

To Resend a User’s Activation Email:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the View Users link.
3. Locate the user, and click the User ID link.
4. In the user’s profile, scroll to the bottom to locate in the Application Settings section.
5. Click Reset Activation Email. A confirmation message will display.

Users Request Inbox

The Users Request Inbox allows SP Admin to approve application access or account consolidation requests from one dashboard.

To Approve Application Requests:
1. Login to your SP Admin SAM Account.
2. Click on the Provider Administration tab. Then select Approve sub-tab.
3. Click the link “To access SP Administrator Dashboard click here“. You will be redirected to the User Requests Inbox.
4. You can select individual or multiple requests to approve (or deny), then click the Approve button.
NOTE: If you click Open on the individual request, you can view the Personal Information for the user and their organization.
To Approve Consolidation Requests:
1. Login to your SP Admin SAM Account.
2. Click on the Provider Administration tab. Then select Approve sub-tab.
3. Click the link “To access SP Administrator Dashboard click here“. You will be redirected to the User Requests Inbox.
4. At the top of the Dashboard you will see the Consolidation Requests tab.
5. View the Consolidation Requests and select individual or multiple users, then click Complete Selected Tasks button.

Suspend/Reactivate Application Access for Organizations 

To Suspend Application Access for Organizations:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the View Organizations link.
3. Select the desired search filter, and enter a value into the search field. Click Search. If you leave the search field blank, the full list of organizations display.
4. Click the Organization ID to view all organizational information, contacts, and administrators.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the Organization’s profile page, and click Suspend. You are prompted to confirm the Suspension, click OK.

A confirmation message displays.
To Reactivate Application Access for Organizations:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the View Organizations link.
3. Select the desired search filter, and enter a value into the search field. Click Search. If you leave the search field blank, the full list of organizations display.
4. Click the Organization ID to view all organizational information, contacts, and administrators.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the profile to the Application Settings section, and click Activate. You are prompted to confirm the Activation, click OK.

A confirmation message displays.

Automatic Application Approval for Organizations 

How do I setup an Organization to be Automatically Approved to access to my Applications?

You can turn on/off the automatic approval for access to applications for the organizations of your choice. To do so, simply add the organizations to the Approved List. After you add an organization to this list, users from this organization no longer need your approval to access applications you administer.

Turn ON Automatic Approval for Organization(s) Application Access:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the Approval Settings link.
3. To add an organization to the approved list, enter the Organization ID.
4. From the drop-down menu, select the application for which you would like to add the organization to the approved list. Click Add Organization.
5. The page refreshes, now showing the organization on the Approved List. You may add as many organizations as you wish to the approval list for each application.
Turn OFF Automatic Approval for Organization(s) Application Access:
1. Log into SAM –
2. Navigate to the Provider Administration tab, and click the Approval Settings link.
3. Use the Search Fields to locate the desired organization.
4. Click the Remove link to remove an organization from the approved list.

Manage Email Settings

To Turn Email Verification On/Off:
1. Log into SAM at
2. Select the Provider Administration tab, and click the Approval Settings link to determine if Email Verification (Email OTP) is turned on or off for your applications.
– When the setting displays True, it means that Email OTP is turned ON. When the setting displays False, Email OTP is turned OFF.
– When Email Verification is turned ON for an application, users will need to enter an OTP code (it arrives via an email) in order to access the application. Email OTP is used in addition to any other security credentials (Phone OTP, Hardware OTP, or Exostar Mobile ID). Once it is OFF, users are no longer be required to enter an OTP code to access their application.
NOTE: Email Verification, or Email OTP, can only be set or removed by Exostar. Contact Exostar Customer Support to enable this security measure for your applications.
To Turn Email Restriction On/Off:
If Email Restriction is turned ON for an application, SP Admins can add specific emails for existing SAM users and specific domains (for instance, to allow these users access specific applications. Users whose email addresses and domains are not listed, cannot access applications.

To Add Approved Email Domains and Addresses:
Contact Exostar Customer Support to enable the Email Restriction option for your applications. You are notified once your request is complete. At this point, you can start adding Email Restrictions.
2. From the Provider Administration tab, select Application Settings, and then click the Application Name you are adding an email restriction to.
3. Enter allowed email domain(s) and/or address(es) in the Allowed Email Domains and Address field (for instance, You can enter both domain and email address simultaneously (please use commas to separate information).
NOTE: You are unable to edit an existing email address for an active user. You must enter the modified email address(es) or domain(s) as new. 
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Submit. You will receive a confirmation message.
5. Email addresses or domains included in the list are able to access the application. Allowable email addresses and domains display in the Allowable Email Domains column. 
6. You can also view the complete list by clicking the Application Name.
NOTE: Email addresses or domains that have not been included receive an error message when trying to access the application.
Updated on April 3, 2024
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