SAM Management & Portal Administrator


The Management & Portal Administrator (MPA) role is similar to the Organization Administrator role, but the MPA manages the users from multiple organizations that fall under the same Onboarding Sponsor or tenant. MPAs can complete the following common tasks in SAM:

  • Add new users and manage existing users
  • Reset passwords and security questions
  • Manage organizations application access
  • Manage users and application subscriptions in batch

MPAs can only manage users within their sponsor-managed organizations. MPAs cannot manage Shared Users (a user becomes “shared” once they start using applications outside of their sponsored organization).
Please see the Housekeeping Rules page for additional information and action instructions.

M&P Admin Insights

The New M&P Admin Insights dashboard (March 2024) provides tailored insights with widgets that offer essential information at a glance, allowing admins to effectively analyze and understand their user’s activity.

As a M&P Admin select the Tenant from the drop-down list and then select the Organization. Click Update Data to refresh the insights for each tenant/organization.

  • User Activity
  • Application Access
  • Login Count for Application

This chart will display the user activity for your organization. The default display will show the user’s activity for active, suspended, and inactive users within your organization. You can view data for your organization for the last 7 days, 30 days, or up to 11 previous months.

This chart will display the user base who has access to the selected application that your organization is subscribed to. The view will display the total population of users in your organization subscribed to the application and the users who are active or suspended for this application. The percentages will show changes in this population for the past 7 days.

This chart will display the most accessed applications that the selected organization is subscribed to. It will also display login counts to display how many users have accessed this application within the selected organization over the past 30 days.

Tabs for MPAs

MPAs manage their administrative duties from the Customer Support tab, using the View UsersView Organizations, and Role Management sub-tabs. The GIF below offers a view of the Customer Support tab:

Add New Users

To Add a New User to an Organization:
1. Log into Exostar’s SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Organizations link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search filters: Name of the Org, Exostar ID, Org ID, and Onboarding Sponsor.
4. Locate the organization, and click the Add User button located on the right of the screen. 
5. Fill out the required information (required fields are marked by red asterisks), select the role from the drop-down, and check desired applications.  Click Continue.
6. Click Submit (click Modify to make any changes, or Cancel to cancel changes).

Manage Existing Users

To Edit a User’s Profile:
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Users link on the left.
3. Apply a search filter from the drop-down menu, and enter the value into the search field. Click Search
NOTE: Available search filters: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Email, Org ID, Organization Name, and R-IDP User ID.
4. Click the hyperlinked SAM User ID to display the profile.   
5. Modify editable fields, and click Continue
NOTE: Editable fields vary by user, and may include the following fields: email address, organization, physical address, and the user’s role in SAM.
6. Review and verify your edits, and click Submit. You can also click Modify to make any changes, or Cancel to cancel changes.
Resend a User’s Activation Email:
1. Log into Exostar’s SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Users link on the left.
3. Apply a search filter from the drop-down menu, and enter the value into the search field. Click Search
NOTE: Available search filters: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Email, Org ID, Organization Name, and R-IDP User ID.
4. Click the hyperlinked SAM User ID to display the profile.   
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, and click the Resend Activation Email button.
6. Click Submit.
To Suspend, Activate or Delete a User:
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Users link on the left.
3. Apply a search filter from the drop-down menu, and enter the value into the search field. Click Search
NOTE: Available search filters: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Email, Org ID, Organization Name, and R-IDP User ID.
4. Click the hyperlinked SAM User ID to display the profile.   
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the Application Settings section, and click the buttons Suspend User AccessEnable User Access, or Delete User (these buttons are located next to the user’s Status).  
To Subscribe a User to an Application:
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Users link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search filters: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Email, Org ID, Organization Name, and R-IDP User ID.
4. Click the hyperlinked SAM User ID to display the profile.   
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, find the desired application, and click Request Access.
6. In the next screen, specify the length of subscription. Click Continue. You receive the confirmation message for your request.
To Suspend, Edit or Reactivate Application Access:
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Users link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search filters: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Email, Org ID, Organization Name, and R-IDP User ID.
4. Click the hyperlinked SAM User ID to display the profile.   
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, find the desired application, and click one of these buttons: EditSuspendActivate, or Delete.

Reset Passwords & Security Questions

Reset a User’s Password or Security Questions:
1. Log into Exostar’s SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Users link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search filters: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Email, Org ID, Organization Name, and R-IDP User ID.
4. Click the hyperlinked SAM User ID to display the profile.   
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, and click the Reset Permanent Password and/or Reset Security Question buttons. The user receives an email with the instructions to complete the reset.

Manage Organizations

To Bypass Application Access Approval by an Organization Admin:
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Organizations link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field to find a specific organization. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search filters: Name of the Org, Exostar ID, Org ID, and Onboarding Sponsor.
4. Locate the organization, and click the hyperlinked Org ID
5. Scroll down to the Organization Administrator Approval section, and check the Skip Organization Administrator Approval box.
To Modify Application Access for an Organization:
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Organizations link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field to find a specific organization. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search filters: Name of the Org, Exostar ID, Org ID, and Onboarding Sponsor.
4. Locate the organization, and click the hyperlinked Org ID
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, and click the available buttons (SuspendActivateDelete).  

Manage Users & Applications in Batch

Upload Users in Batch
Step 1: Download & Complete SAM User Upload Template
Before you upload in batch, download and fill out our SAM User Upload Template. For the template instructions, consult the SAM Administrator Guide (Appendix A). When applicable, include the R-IDP User ID. R-IDP provisions enterprise users directly, using enterprise credentials.
Step 2: To Upload Users in Batch
1. Log into Exostar’s SAM Platform:
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Organizations link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field to find a specific organization. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search filters: Name of the Org, Exostar ID, Org ID, and Onboarding Sponsor.
4. Locate the organization, and click the hyperlinked Org ID
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, the Load Users sub-section.
6. Click the Pick a file button, and click Upload. Select the Onboarding Sponsor from the drop-down menu. You can also check the Defer E-mails option.
NOTE: This selection delays the activation emails to users.
7. Click Validate.
8. Review the Results page. If the system finds errors in your .CSV file, correct the errors and re-upload the file. Click Commit.
Subscribe Users to Applications in Batch
Step 1: Download & Complete Batch Subscription Template
MPAs may choose to provision existing user accounts to a specific application in batch, using the Batch Subscription Template. For the template instructions, consult the SAM Administrator Guide (Appendix C). Fill out the template and then follow the step below to complete this batch operation.
Step 2: Subscribe Users to Applications in Batch
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform at
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Organizations link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field to find a specific organization. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search options: Name of the Org, Exostar ID, Org ID, and Onboarding Sponsor.
4. Locate the organization, and click the hyperlinked Org ID
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, the Batch Subscription sub-section.
6. Click the Pick a file button, and then click Upload. Select the desired application from the drop-down menu, and enter the desired subscription length.
7. Click Validate.
8. Review the Results page. If the system finds errors in your .CSV file, correct the errors and re-upload the file. Click Commit.
Batch Resend Activation Emails
Step 1: Download & Complete Batch Activation Email Template
If there are multiple inactive users, MPA can batch-resend activation emails. To complete this action, download and fill out the Batch Activation Email Template. Review the SAM Administrator Guide (Appendix D) for the instructions on this template. Upload the CSV file containing user UPNs ( to reset inactive accounts in bulk.
Step 2: Resend Activation Emails to Inactive Users in Batch
1. Log into the Exostar SAM Platform at
2. Navigate to the Customer Support tab, and click the View Organizations link on the left.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select your search filter, and enter the value into the search field to find a specific organization. Click Search.
NOTE: Available search options: Name of the Org, Exostar ID, Org ID, and Onboarding Sponsor.
4. Locate the organization, and click the hyperlinked Org ID
5. Scroll down to the Application Settings section, the Batch Activation Email Resend sub-section.
6. Click the Pick a file button, and click Upload to upload your .CSV file. 
7. Click Validate.
8. Review the Results page. If the system finds errors in your .CSV file, correct the errors and re-upload the file. Click Commit.
Updated on April 3, 2024
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