SAM Credentials

This page gives an overview of the different types of credentials that may be required depending on your Partner and their credentialing requirements in order to access SAM. The different credential types are:
– Identity Proofing: is the process used by Exostar to verify the legitimacy of users’ digital identities.
– One-Time Password (OTP): is used to ensure only authorized users can access applications hosted in SAM.
– Enterprise Access Gateway (EAG): is a service that allows users to access SAM by logging in with their company-issued credentials.

SAM Identity Proofing

Identity Proofing is the process used by Exostar to verify the legitimacy of users’ digital identities. Based on the credential requirement for your application(s), you may need a credential credential with or without Identity Proofing. If your partner requires identity proofing, you will undergo one of the two identity proofing methods offered by Exostar – Experian Instant Proofing or Live Video Proofing. Depending on your location you will choose one of the options below:

  • Users located Internationally must schedule a Live Video Proofing session. 
  • Users located in the United States have a choice to either complete Experian Instant Proofing (we recommend this option), or to get proofed by scheduling a Live Video Proofing session with Exostar’s proofing agent.  

To learn more about the Identity Proofing process, view the SAM Identity Proofing page.

SAM One-Time Password

Exostar uses the One-Time Password (OTP) technology to ensure only authorized users can access applications hosted in Secure Access Manager (SAM). SAM supports three OTP types: Hardware TokenPhone OTP, and Exostar Mobile ID. After the OTP is activated, you will start receiving text or voice messages with OTP codes to your mobile or landline phone, application, or hardware token. OTPs can be used for a single login only, and they expire within a minute or two.

To learn more about OTP credentials and processes, view the SAM OTP page.

SAM Enterprise Access Gateway

EAG is an Exostar service that allows users to access SAM applications and services accessible through the platform, using their company-issued credentials. EAG must be enabled at the organization level, and is typically implemented across an entire organization. To link your company-issued credentials to SAM, you need an Exostar SAM account, along with your company-issued credentials. Additionally, your company must be subscribed to Exostar’s EAG service.

To learn more about linking your EAG credentials and process, view the SAM EAG page.

Updated on October 21, 2022
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