SAM Bulk Uploads

This page will assist you with the bulk upload process for bulk users and bulk actions, as well as guiding you with the CSV/Excel file, before you upload it to SAM. If you have any issues, please contact us. Please note, this process is specific to Exostar’s Secure Access Manager (SAM) only.

Bulk Upload Users/Actions

Bulk Uploads is a feature only available to Administrators – Organization or MPA roles. With bulk uploads you can either upload multiple users at once, or make bulk changes to multiple users.

Bulk Users allows Admins to upload multiple users in bulk at one time to an organization. Bulk Actions allows Admins to make changes to multiple users at the same time. With Bulk Actions you can: suspend, unsuspend, reactivate, delete or subscribe to application(s). By downloading a CSV or Excel File and filling out the correct fields you can upload users in bulk or make changes with bulk actions.

Bulk User Upload Job

To start a new bulk user upload job, follow the steps below. Note: This is the original Bulk upload process (not BETA).

  1. Access the Administration tab. Click User Upload link.
  2. To upload multiple new users to your organization, download the CSV File Template and fill out the users’ information.
  3. Save the file on your computer, then come back to the User Upload page and click Pick a file. Browse and select the file, then click Upload.
  4. Next using the drop-down menu, select the Onboarding Sponsor. (NOTE: The Onboarding Sponsor selection will affect the branding, help links, and content specific to that sponsor).
  5. After selecting the file and onboarding sponsor, click Validate. The system will examine the file. If the system detects errors, they will display on the screen, marked with a red X. User information with errors will not be processed. Please correct the errors, and re-upload the file.
  6. Click Commit to upload the users. The system will create new SAM user accounts and send account activation emails to individual users.

BETA Bulk Uploads

The BETA Bulk Uploads feature introduces a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive Jobs Board, streamlining the process for MPA’s and Organization Administrators to upload users via CSV or Excel (XLSX) files efficiently.
NOTE: As part of our commitment to a smooth transition, the legacy version of the Bulk Upload Page will continue to be available during the beta phase of this new feature.

As an Administrator you can use the BETA Bulk Uploads feature for Bulk User and Bulk Actions. This is available to the Organization and MPA Admin Roles. To create a new BETA Bulk Job, follow the steps below.

Organization Admin BETA Bulk Process

  1. As an Organization Admin, login to your SAM Admin account, then select the Administration tab.
  2. Select User Upload sub-tab, you will see the section “Bulk-Upload BETA-New!“, click TRY NOW to begin a new bulk job. (NOTE: You can learn more about the new BETA features by clicking “Learn More“).
  3. The Bulk Jobs Uploads dashboard will display, select Begin a Bulk Job, then select Upload Users.
  4. Next download the CSV or Excel file template. Fill out the required fields and save the file.
  5. To upload the file for Bulk Jobs Upload, click Browse. Select your file and click Open.
  6. For uploading Bulk Users, click Apply Bulk Job. For applying Bulk Actions, click Apps Selected and choose the application(s) then click Apply Bulk Job.
  7. If the upload is Successful, you will see the job status display as 100% Complete. If the upload Fails, you can click the 3 dots and choose Download Issues. Correct the issues, then save and upload the file again. (For a list of common errors see the Bulk Issues table below).
  8. If you are completing a bulk job for New Users, after the job successfully completes, all new bulk users will receive an email to activate their new SAM account. (For Bulk Actions jobs, the status will be updated once the job successfully completes).

MPA BETA Bulk Process

  1. For MPAs, login and select Customer Support tab, then select View Organization sub-tab.
  2. Select the Organization and click on the hyperlink name. Then select User Upload sub-tab.
  3. You will see the section “Bulk-Upload BETA-New!“, click TRY NOW to begin a new bulk job. (NOTE: You can learn more about the new BETA features by clicking “Learn More“).
  4. The Bulk Jobs Uploads dashboard will display, select Begin a Bulk Job, then select Upload Users.
  5. Next download the CSV or Excel file template. Fill out the required fields and save the file.
  6. To upload the file for Bulk Jobs Upload, click Browse. Select your file and click Open.
  7. For uploading Bulk Users, click Apply Bulk Job. For applying Bulk Actions, click Apps Selected and choose the application(s) then click Apply Bulk Job.
  8. If the upload is Successful, you will see the job status display as 100% Complete. If the upload Fails, you can click the 3 dots and choose Download Issues. Correct the issues, then save and upload the file again. (For a list of common issues see the Bulk Errors table below).
  9. If you are completing a bulk job for New Users, after the job successfully completes, all new bulk users will receive an email to activate their new SAM account. (For Bulk Actions jobs, the status will be updated once the job successfully completes).

BETA Bulk Templates

BETA Bulk Uploads Template CSVBETA version CSV file bulk upload (users/actions).
BETA Bulk Uploads Template XLSBETA version Excel Workbook bulk upload (users/actions).

Bulk Upload Requirements

File Requirements:

  1. Column names cannot be edited.
  2. Please eliminate blank rows between data.
  3. New user accounts will be created if the user does not exist in SAM. If the user does exist in SAM the user will be subscribed to the chose application(s).
  4. The file has a size limitation of 4MB or 10,000 rows.
Honorific:Optional Selection between Mr, Miss, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Prof, and Sir
First Name: REQUIRED100 Character max
Middle Name: Optional100 Character max
Last Name: REQUIRED100 Character max
Suffix: Optional4 Character max
Job Title:Optional 50 Character max
Email Address: REQUIRED200 Character max
Phone Number: REQUIRED20 Character max
Fax Number:Optional20 Character max
Street Address 1: REQUIRED64 Character max
Street Address 2:Optional64 Character max
City: REQUIRED52 Character max
Region:REQUIREDClick here to view the list of Region abbreviations
Country:REQUIREDClick here to view the list of Country codes
Zip/Postal Code: REQUIRED16 Character max
Role: REQUIREDSelect User or Admin
Sponsor:REQUIREDOnboarding Sponsor the user will be created with. Must match the destination organization onboarding sponsor or use General.
RIDP User ID:OptionalRIDP User ID must be unique for the associated RIDP and the organization must be associated to an RIDP.

Common Bulk Upload Errors

<Column Name> is required. The user has missed a required field.Review the required field missing and enter the correct information.
<Column Name> is too long.The data entered in the field exceeds the character limits of the field.Review the field and adjust the characters in the field. (Character limits are defined in the legend in the XLSX template).
User is already subscribed to <Application Name>.The user is already subscribed to the requested application. No further action needed.
The value of region code is unknown (Field mismatch).The region code is incorrect.Review the ISO standard for region. (Note: XX corresponds to Unknown and XXX corresponds to N/A. If a country does not have regions [ex. Hong Kong] then XXX should be used).
SCIM profile attribute value is not defined.Trailing spaces on the email address.Ensure there are no trailing (additional) spaces on the email address within the file.
Email address already exists.The email address already exists in SAM.Users cannot be created with duplicate email addresses.
The workbook must contain only one worksheet.The file being uploaded has a second sheet.Remove the second sheet. Then save and upload the file again.
<Column name> does not match the expected regex pattern.There is an unsupported special character.Remove the unsupported special character.
The region does not belong to the country (Incorrect region code).Incorrect region code.Review the ISO standard for region. (Note: XX corresponds to Unknown and XXX corresponds to N/A. If a country does not have regions [ex. Hong Kong] then XXX should be used).
The number of columns does not match the number of columns in the header.An extra column was added to the template.Review the submitted file and make sure there is not an extra column.
<Column name> is absent or empty or null.There is a missing required field.Review the file and identify the missing required field.
Updated on April 3, 2024
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