PolicyPro Training Resources

General Navigation Video

Please watch the video below to learn basic PolicyPro navigation, to include:

  • Left-hand menu
  • Support features

Policy Processes Video

Please watch the video below to learn basic policy-related processes, to include:

  • Building a new policy
  • Uploading an existing policy, and
  • Assessing that policy

PolicyPro FAQs

What is the tracking number?
The tracking number is for your own internal use, you can use it to keep track of version number. It is not a mandatory field and you can freely add any other information or exclude that field from your policy document.
I only see 3.1, where are the other policy family template documents?
On the left-hand side, click the hamburger icon. This will bring up the list of all of the policy families (14 in total).
How do I score my Policy Builder documents after I have completed customizing them?
Click the Policy Assessment icon located on the left-hand side. See Policy Management for more information.
What happened to my old policies I have built in Policy Builder?
To ensure you do not lose any of your work product, all CMMC 1.02 PolicyBuilder templates will be retained in the release of CMMC 2.0. This content can be accessed via the Legacy CMMC Data icon on the left hand NAV.
What happened to my old policies I uploaded in Policy Assessment?
PolicyPro will integrate all prior uploads for each of the 14 policy families/domain that remain. The uploads display in chronological order and each one will inform the user the standard type (and for CMMC — the level) the policy was uploaded into.
Will my username and password change?
No. As our existing customer, you will continue to use your existing credentials, username, and password.
Will the current link I have bookmarked change to a new link?
No. You will continue to use the same link that you have saved on your computer for now.
What new features will be available with the upgraded Exostar PolicyPro?
In keeping with the CMMC 2.0 changes, PolicyPro will now cover Levels 1 & 2 (removed the eliminated former Level 2).

Removed the CMMC-unique practices (the 20 controls that were previously added on top of NIST 800-171).

Now that the CMMC and NIST 800-171 Domains/Policy Families are now the same, they have been integrated. This is what it means for the different aspects of PolicyPro:
– Updates to dashboard. See new dashboard link
– Updates to Policy Builder. See new policy builder link.
– Updates to Policy Assessment. See Policy Assessment Link.
Updated on June 25, 2024
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