This page reviews frequently asked questions about various Forms using the PIM application including general form completion, form feedback and scoring, and form renewal processes.

Form FAQs

Can I log into a specific questionnaire (e.g. the Cybersecurity Questionnaire)?
In order to access any questionnaire, you need to log into your MAG account and access the PIM application. All questionnaires are located behind the PIM application.
Locked form – How do I know if some else is in the process of completing a questionnaire?
If a user is currently working on a questionnaire, the questionnaire shows as locked. As soon as the form is saved or exited, other assigned users can make edits.
I don’t have access to PIM but my Cybersecurity Questionnaire is marked as ‘Yes’ in Trading Partner Manager (TPM).  What do I do?
If a user is currently working on a questionnaire, the questionnaire shows as locked. As soon as the form is saved or exited, other assigned users can make edits.

Form Completion

Where can I find the forms that my organization has been requested (assigned) to complete?
To locate the forms assigned to your organization to complete: 
1. Make sure you are currently in the Supplier View
2. On the homepage, go to the Forms Summary section.  A list of all forms, that at least one Buyer requested your organization complete, displays. 
Where can I find details about my specific form that I have been requested to complete? 
To see details about your form that your organization has been requested to complete, including a view of the questions that are on the form, scoring related to the form, and the submissions history of the form: 
1. Make sure you are currently in the Supplier View
2. On the homepage, go to the Forms Summary section.  A list of all forms, that at least one Buyer requested your organization complete, displays.
3. Click the hyperlinked name of the form you wish to view.  You are redirected to the Form Details page for the form, that contains specific data for the form. 
Where can I find a blank copy of the form I have been asked to complete?
Please visit the PIM Form Resources page, where you can download blank copies of the different PIM Forms. You can also navigate to the Form Details page of the desired form, and download a blank copy via the Reports drop down.
How do I edit or update, and submit a requested form? 
To edit and submit a requested form: 
1. Make sure you are currently in the Supplier View
2. On the homepage, go to the Forms Summary section.  A list of all forms, that at least one Buyer requested your organization complete, displays.
3. Click the Edit icon for the form.  This redirects you to an editable version of the form. 
NOTE: Only if a form is assigned to you and no other user currently has the form locked for edit, can you edit a form. 
4. Navigate through the form using the navigation buttons provided, and answer all required questions.
NOTE: Select the hyperlinked Jump To icon on the right-hand corner of the page, to view and navigate directly to any applicable question in the form.   
5. Once you complete all required information, click the SUBMIT RESPONSE button, which is located at the top or bottom of the last page of each form section.
NOTE: At any time, while editing, you can save a draft copy of the form to finish later by clicking the SAVE DRAFT & EXIT button.
Can I edit a form assigned to my organization again even after having initially submitted it? 
You may edit a form assigned (requested) to your organization at any time, even after it has been submitted initially as long as the form is currently assigned to you for editing.  It is important to periodically review, edit and resubmit your forms when needed (or requested via a form renewal request) in order to keep it up-to-date with your latest information. 

NOTE: Each time you edit and submit your form again, the form is re-scored by the system.  However you can edit and save the form in draft mode until you are ready to resubmit it. 
How do I know if someone else is in the process of completing a form?
If you attempt to edit a form, the system alerts you if another user already has the form locked. To see who has a form locked (for the Application Administrator role only):
1. Locate the desired form.
2. Click the Assign icon.
NOTE: The “Assign To” user interface shows a lock symbol beside the user who currently has the form locked for edit. 
Can someone at Exostar provide assistance/guidance with answering the questions on the form(s)?
Exostar’s support to suppliers completing forms does not include direct assistance in answering the questions within the forms. However, there is information to assist you within the Guidance section of most forms.  To learn more about each form, click the PIM Form Resources page.

Forms Feedback, Scoring and Sharing

SUPPLIER – Where can I find feedback (scores) for a submitted form? 
As a supplier requested to complete (or share) a form, to see the feedback (scores) for a form your organization has submitted:
1. Make sure you are currently in the Supplier View
2. On the homepage, go to the Forms Summary section.  A list of all form(s) will display.
3. Click the hyperlinked name of the form you wish to view.  You are redirected to the Form Details page for the form, that contains specific data for the form. 
4. You can see any feedback/scoring related details about the last submitted form on the right-hand side of the Form Details page. Or, you can access your Feedback PDF report for the form once submitted. 

To see and download the Feedback Report:
a. Locate the Reports menu toward the top portion of the page.
b. Select Feedback (.PDF) to download. 
NOTE: This Feedback PDF report provides scoring-related information regarding the most recently submitted form alone. Your scores or feedback, is calculated by the system within a few minutes after having submitted the form.   
BUYER – Where can I find feedback (scores) for a submitted form? 
As a buyer, to see and download the feedback (scores) for a from an organization that has completed and shared a form with your organization:
1. Make sure you are currently in the Supplier View
2. On the homepage, go to the Forms Activities section.  A list of all submitted forms that an organization has shared with you will display.
3. Locate the supplier and form you wish to view. 
NOTE: Score 1 and Score 2 columns show you scoring information in the table for each listed form. These scores are explained in the Form Details page. 
4. Click on the form name for in the Form column.  This will take you to the Form Details page for the form
5. You can see any feedback/scoring related details about the last submitted form on the right-hand side of the Form Details page.  Or, you can access the Feedback PDF report for the submitted form. 

To see the Feedback Report:
a. Locate the Reports menu toward the top portion of the page.
b. Select Feedback (.PDF) to download. 
NOTE: This Feedback PDF report provides scoring-related information regarding the most recently submitted form.
Where can I learn more about form feedback/scoring? 
Every Feedback Report is available after a form has been submitted, this explains form scoring at the beginning of the report.  For an overview of scoring information for each form, see the PIM Form Scoring page.
As a buyer, where can I view reports on form scores from suppliers who have shared forms with my organization?  
As a buyer, to see a report listing scores (and other information) for organizations who have shared forms with yours:
1. Make you are currently in the Buyer View
2. Navigate to the top menu and select the Reports option.
3. On the Reports homepage, select Form Reports.
4. Select the form for which you wish to view report data (including any scoring if it exists for the selected form).  The results for the report displays at the bottom of the page in the Results section.
5. To export the report (data table and displayed columns) to an Excel file, click the Export to Excel button in the Results section.
NOTE: Columns in the report results table can be added/removed and exported via the Columns button.
Where do I locate any form sharing requests made to my organization?
To view any form sharing requests (on behalf of other organizations/buyers in the system):
1. Navigate to the homepage while in Supplier View.
2. View the Form Requests widget on the homepage.  Any requests to share your form with a Buyer display in this widget.
3. For any listed request, click Share to share your last submitted version of the requested form with the Buyer, or Decline in order to decline the form sharing request from the Buyer. 
NOTE: Only your organization’s last submitted form revision is shared, so before accepting the sharing request, please ensure the last submitted revision of the form has your latest information.  No previously submitted revisions or draft versions are shared. 
My company already completed form(s) once within PIM, how can I share these forms with other organizations in PIM?
You must be invited to complete and share your forms with another organization (a buyer).  Your forms are not shared with other Buyers in the system unless you accept the sharing request from the buyer.  To view and share forms based on sharing requests:
1. Navigate to the homepage while in Supplier View.
2. View the Form Requests widget on the homepage.  Any requests to share your form with a buyer will be listed in this widget.
3. For any listed request, click Share to share your last submitted version of the requested form with the Buyer, or Decline in order to decline the form sharing request from the Buyer. 
4. Once you accept a form sharing request with another organization, that organization is notified via email that form sharing was accepted by your organization, and can then view the latest submitted revision of your form. 

NIST SP 800-53 vs. NIST SP 800-171 Compliance

My organization has already demonstrated compliance with NIST SP 800-53. Can you accept this as proof we are also NIST SP 800-171 compliant?
– NIST 800-53 has controls, but the mechanisms vary by the risk level that you have associated with the info system that needs to be protected.
– NIST 800-171 is derived from 800-53 and specifies the risk level as Moderate (the three risk levels are: High, Moderate, and Low).
If a supplier believes they are compliant with NIST 800-53 Moderate or above, they most probably can show compliance, but it is not guaranteed. NIST 800-171 is derived, but they have identified specific requirements, such as 2FA for network access for normal users.

Our advice to the Supplier is they should complete the NIST 800-1717 Compliance Questionnaire. If they are compliant with NIST 800-53, then it should be easy to show compliance with NIST 800-171.

Also compliance with 800-171 means the following:
1. You answer Yes to every security control in the 800-171 questionnaire
2. Or if you answer No to some controls, you also have a System Security Plan (SSP) and a POAM (Plan of Action & Milestones) in place for those controls, where you answered No.

Form Renewal

Why do I need to renew my PIM form?
Your organization’s compliance and self–assessment status can change periodically based on your organization’s implementations of controls (they may have been improved), and changes in the potential threat or risk to your organization. In order to confirm the information provided is up-to-date and valid, your Buyers require you periodically update and renew your forms in PIM.
This will also help you keep your self-assessment and compliance posture as up-to-date and attractive to your Buyers as possible.
Which users in my organization have permission to renew a form?
All users in your organization, regardless of role, can renew and submit any form as long as they are assigned to the specific form. When your organization is asked to complete a form, all users in your organization are automatically assigned to that form.
When and how often do PIM forms need to be renewed?
Buyers are able to set the expiration time period for a form as they deem necessary for renewal. You will receive a reminder email to renew your form 30 days prior to the form expiration.
There are no compliance changes to report in my organization’s self–assessment status. What do I need to do to renew my form?
If your organization has no changes to report, the renewal process is very quick and easy. You are still required to resubmit the form as confirmation to your Buyer that you reviewed your responses and the self–assessment responses remain valid. Please see the Form Renewal information on the Supplier Information page for instructions.
How can I make necessary updates to and renew my form?
If you want to make changes to your form as part of the renewal process:
1. Select the Edit button located next to the desired form in the Forms Summary widget.
NOTE: This takes you directly to the form in edit mode.
2. Navigate through each form page and make the necessary updates.
3. When you reach the last form page, click the Submit Response button.
4. Confirm form submission to redirect back to the Form Details page.
Can I update my form at any other time than a scheduled renewal time?
You are not required to wait for your form to expire to update or renew your responses. PIM forms can be renewed at any time. If you would like to update your PIM form, select the Edit button from the Forms Summary widget, or click to Edit button from the Form Details page at any time, make necessary updates, and submit the response.
SUPPLIER – How do I know when a submitted form is going to expire, or has expired?
As a supplier organization who had submitted the form, to see if a submitted form has expired:
1. Make sure you are currently in the Supplier View
2. On the homepage, go to the Forms Summary section.  You will see a list of all forms that a Buyer organization has asked your organization to complete or share.
3. Click the hyperlinked name of the form for which you wish to see the expiration information.  This will take you to the Form Details page for the form. 
4. In the Form Details page of the form, if the form had been submitted previously, the expiration date of the form displays on the right-hand section of the page.  If the form has already expired, a banner message also displays stating that the form has expired.
NOTE: It is recommended that you review, edit (if needed) and then re-submit the form as the expiration date approaches.  Reminders to re-submit the form are also sent by the system as the expiration date approaches, and if it has passed. 
BUYER – How do I know when a submitted form is going to expire, or has expired?
To see if a submitted form has expired, as a buyer organization:
1. Make sure that you are currently in the Buyer View
2. On the homepage, go to the Forms Activities section.  In the Forms Activities widget, you will see a list of all submitted forms that an organization has shared with you to view.
3. Locate the supplier and form you wish to view in the table. 
4. Click on the form name for the form in the “Form” column.  This will take you to the Form Details page for the form.

On the Form Details page of the form, if the form had been submitted previously, the expiration date of the form displays on the right-hand section of the page.  If the form has already expired, a banner message displays stating that the form has Expired.
Updated on September 16, 2022
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