MOD-SCP Get Started

Access Requirements: To access Supply Chain Platform (SCP)-MOD, you must receive an invitation from your MOD partner to register for an Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG) account. SCP-MOD is hosted behind this application.
If MOD has identified you as a valid supplier they wish to trade with, they will issue an invitation. If you need to speak with someone at MOD about receiving an invitation, please contact your MOD commercial contact.

Step 1. Receive Email Invitation

In order for your organization to access SCP-MOD, your company requires a MAG account. Your Partner Company must invite your organization to complete registration via email. Once you receive the email inviting you to register, review the information. Click the link ACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT.  

As a Buyer organization, you can invite Suppliers to MAG. As a Supplier organization, complete the registration invitation received via email. During the registration process, assign an Organization Administrator and Application Administrators to manage your organization’s account.
Organization Administrator: is responsible for creating and managing users in your organization.
Application Administrator: is responsible for approving access to a specific application.

Once registration is complete, the request is routed to Exostar for approval. This can take 24-48 business hours to process.

Step 2. Register MAG Account

After you activate your account, follow the steps to create a Password and setup your Security Questions. Once the confirmation screen displays, click Go To Dashboard to navigate to the MAG Home page.

Step 3. Accept Terms & Conditions

In order for users to access application(s) your organization is invited to use, the Organization or Application Administrator must accept the Terms and Conditions first. (If you do not accept the terms and conditions it will say Pending Terms).

NOTE: Application Administrators can only accept Terms and Conditions for applications they administer.

To Accept Terms & Conditions:
1. To accept terms and conditions, from your MAG Dashboard under the Applications section, locate the SCP-MOD application, click Agree to Terms button.
2. Next click Continue to review the terms and conditions. Once you review the Terms and Conditions, please a check in the box for “I have read and agree to these terms and conditions”. Click Next.
3. Now you will be able to access SCP-MOD, click the green Launch button to open the application.

Step 4. Access Application

Once you complete your account registration and accept the SCP-MOD Terms and Conditions, you will be able to access the SCP-MOD application. From your MAG Dashboard, scroll to the My Applications section, then click Launch button under SCP-MOD application to access the platform. 

Updated on June 15, 2023
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