LMP2P Get Started

Access Requirements: In order to access the Lockheed Martin Procure-to-Pay (LMP2P) application, you must have an Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG) account, as well as a Phone (SMS) One Time Password (OTP) with Proofing credential. Identity Proofing refers to the process by which Exostar verifies the legitimacy of users’ digital identities. 

Step 1. Complete TPM Registration

Exostar will send an email titled: Invitation to join the Exostar Trading Partner Manager (TPM) and Lockheed Martin’s Procure to Pay system. While completing the Trading Partner Manager (TPM) registration process, you are prompted to register your organization in MAG. The process differs slightly for companies with an existing MAG account. If you already have an account, you are prompted to purchase your credential before completing your TPM Profile. 

To complete TPM registration:
1. Locate the email and click the link provided.
2. Input the Invitation Reference Code and the Invitation Confirmation Code
NOTE: Both codes are provided in the invitation email.
3. Select the checkbox next to I’m not a robot. Click Resume to continue.
4. Review the information presented on the screen. Click Continue with Registration.
NOTE: If you are an existing MAG user, you are prompted to input your login information and authenticate with an approved two-factor credential. 
5. Review the note to Lockheed Martin Suppliers. Click Continue
6. Navigate through the registration form via the buttons provided and complete all required fields.
NOTES: Required fields are denoted with a red asterisk. Click Save and Resume Later under the Action menu, if you wish to complete at a later time and not lose any progress. For detailed instructions on each section of the registration form, please review the TPM Invitation Acceptance Guide, as well as the TPM Registration Checklist
7. Once you complete all required sections, select the Accept and Continue option from the Actions menu. 
8. Review the certification information and click the I Agree button.
9. Input user information for the designated Organization AdministratorsCompany Contact, and Application Administrators. Click Next.
10. Review the MAG Service Agreement. Click I Agree
11. Review the TPM Service Agreement. Click I Agree.
A screen displays confirming registration submission. Once your request is approved, you receive an email confirmation with next steps.

When completing the TPM registration profile, please review the Cyber Security section carefully to determine if your organization must complete the CCRA questionnaire. If you answer (1) on the DFARS applicability section or Yes to the handling Sensitive Information question, the CCRA form is automatically assigned to you. Please review the TPM Registration Checklist for additional information as well as the TPM OBM Guide for detailed instructions on how to access and complete the CCRA.  

Step 2. Activate Account

Once Exostar approves your organization registration, you receive an account activation email. Please review all information provided in the email, paying special attention to your Account Details and User ID

IMPORTANT: Since you received and accepted the invitation, you are automatically designated as the Organization Administrator for your company. For more information on your administrative responsibilities, please see the MAG Organization Administrator page.

Exostar offers a quarterly MAG Administration Webinar that provides information and instructions on administrative responsibilities. Please see the MAG Webinars page for available dates and registration information.

To activate your user account:
1. Locate the Account Activation email. Click the Activate My Account button.
2. Review the Password Policy. Input and confirm your permanent Password. Click Next.
NOTE: Your Email Address or User ID and Password are used for all subsequent MAG logins.
3. Review the information on the screen concerning your security questions. Select and answer your Security Questions. Click Next to open the MAG Dashboard.

Step 3. Accept Terms and Conditions

Once you successfully activate your MAG account, you must accept the Lockheed Martin Procure-to-Pay (LMP2P) Terms and Conditions. To accept the Lockheed Martin Procure-to-Pay (LMP2P) Terms and Conditions, you must have the Organization Administrator or LMP2P Application Administrator role. Access to LMP2P is not possible for any users in your organization until Terms and Conditions are accepted. 

To accept LMP2P Terms and Conditions:
1. Locate the LMP2P tile, located under the My Application section of your MAG Dashboard. Click the Agree to Terms button.
NOTE: If the tile says Pending Terms, an Organization Administrator or LMP2P Application Administrator must accept terms.
2. Click Continue to view the LMP2P Terms and Conditions.
3. Review the Terms and Conditions. Check the box for I have read and agree to these terms and conditions. Click Next to complete the process.

Step 4. Purchase

To access LMP2P , you must purchase a Phone (SMS) One Time Password (OTP) with Proofing credential from Exostar’s Web Store.

To purchase the credential:
1. Login to your MAG account your Email Address or User ID and Password.
2. Click the Get 2FA button from the My 2FA Credentials section on the MAG Dashboard.
3. Select Lockheed Martin from the Partner drop-down menu to display a list of acceptable credentials.
4. Select the radio button for the SMS One Time Password (OTP) With Proofing – (1 Year) option. Click Next.
5. Review and input any missing information in the Primary Information, Billing Address, and Shipping Address sections. Click Next.
6. Select your Payment Method (credit or invoice). Input payment details, if paying by credit. Click Submit.
NOTE: If you pay by invoice, you must make full payment prior to receiving the hardware token.

A confirmation screen displays and you receive a confirmation email, containing the license key required for the activation process. You can activate directly from the confirmation screen, or later via your MAG user account and the My 2FA Credentials section.

Step 5. Proofing

You must activate your Phone (SMS) OTP token using the license key received via email or at the end of the purchase process. After entering the license key, you will be prompted to select your identity proofing option:

  • Self-Service Mobile Proofing: If you are located in the United States, you can complete the self-service proofing process using your smartphone’s camera by providing your Social Security Number (SSN), driver’s license or passport. 
  • Live Video Proofing: Users located outside of United States must schedule a live proofing session. US-based users may select live video proofing if they are unable to complete the Experian proofing. Please review the Identity Proofing Resource page for additional information prior to your proofing appointment.
To activate your credential and complete the SELF-SERVICE MOBILE PROOFING:
1. In the proofing application, after you provide your license key, select the desired proofing country. Click Next.
NOTE: Experian Self-service proofing is only available in the US. You will need a passport or a driver’s license to complete the process successfully.
2. On the Select identity proofing method screen, click the PROCEED WITH MOBILE PHONE button.
3. Confirm your Full Name. Click Next.
4. Review the proofing instructions. Click the START PROOFING button.
5. Review the Self-Service Proofing Terms and Conditions. Click the AGREE AND CONTINUE button.
6. Complete all required fields including all nine digits of your Social Security Number, to verify your identity. Click Next.
NOTE: If your name is listed incorrectly, click the MY NAME IS INCORRECT button.
7. Enter your Mobile Number. Click Next.
NOTE: If further evidence is needed, you are prompted to answer Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) Questions. Once you complete the questions, click Next.
8. You receive a proofing link on your mobile phone. Open the link.
9. Click the Let’s get started button.
10. Capture a photo of the back and front sides of your ID. This is required.
11. Capture a photo of yourself (this is required). Once completed, a confirmation page displays.
12. Once you successfully complete your instant proofing on your mobile phone, return to the proofing application.
13. Click on the ID PROOFING COMPLETED button in the proofing application.

IMPORTANT: Once you successfully complete your proofing, you must register your credential. Please see the steps outlined in Step 5. Register Credential below.
To activate your credential and complete the LIVE VIDEO PROOFING:
1. Login to your MAG user account with Email Address or User ID and Password.
2. In the My 2FA Credentials section on the MAG Dashboard, click the Enter it here link, under Have a License Key?
3. Enter the license key you received via email in the field provided. Click Submit.
4. Review the information on the screen, verify your name and desired proofing country. Click Next.
5. Select Verify my identity by meeting with an agent later as the Proofing Service.
6. Click Schedule an Appointment. Review the information and click Continue.
7. Select an appointment date and time from the calendar. Click Continue.
8. Enter required fields. Click Confirm.
NOTE: You will receive a confirmation email. Shortly before your proofing interview, you receive a WebEx invite via email. On your scheduled appointment date, an Exostar Proofing Agent will contact you.
9. Launch WebEx via the link provided in the email. Select your webcam for video, but do not connect to the audio. 
NOTE: There is limited time to complete troubleshooting during your appointment. Failure to appear for your scheduled appointment will require you to reschedule via your MAG account.
10. You must present approved identity documents and answer a series of yes or no questions to an Exostar Proofing Agent.

After a successful proofing, the agent provides an activation code, which is required to complete the credentialing process. Once your proofing is complete, the code cannot be retrieved by anyone, including Exostar Customer Support. The activation code expires 30 days from the issue date. If your activation code is lost or expired, it may result in additional cost to you or your company to repeat the identity verification process. If you fail the webcam proofing, the proofing agent provides further instructions.

Step 6. Register Credential

Upon completing a successful proofing appointment, the proofing agent provides an activation code.

To complete credential activation and registration:
1. Select the Activate button provided in MAG.
2. Enter the activation code in the field provided. Click Continue.
3. Select the desired delivery method. Select your country from the dropdown provided, and enter your phone number. Click Register.
NOTE: Exostar recommends you register at least two phones, but you can register up to three.
4. An activation code is sent to your phone via the delivery method selected, and a verification code field displays on the screen. Enter the code. Click Continue.
5. A confirmation page displays. Click Register Another Credential to proceed through the steps again to register an additional phone, which we recommend. To complete the activation, click I’m done, go to dashboard.

Step 7. Access

Please note, as an Organization Administrator, you must first give yourself the Application Administrator role to approve your own access. Once you approve your access request, you can then access the application. Please be advised only users with the Organization Administrator role can make these changes. Once you successfully complete account and credential set-up, you can access the LMP2P application.

To make yourself an Application Administrator:
1. Login to your MAG account. Navigate to the My Account tab and the Administration sub-tab.
2. Click on View Users. Search for yourself, and click the User ID link next to your name.
3. Scroll down to the Application Settings section. Make sure the App Admin checkbox is checked.
NOTE: If you uncheck the box next to Org Admin and submit the change, you will lose Organization Administrator privileges. If you lose these privileges, you must have a different Organization Administrator reestablish your role, or contact Exostar Customer Support for assistance.
4. To the right of App Admin, click the gray Update button to open a new window In the window, place a check in the box for the application(s) (Lockheed Martin Procure to Pay and Lockheed Martin eInvoicing) you would like to be an administrator for and click Done at the bottom to close the window.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the profile. Click Submit.
6. Click on the Registration Requests tab and the Authorize Application sub-tab to display a list showing any users awaiting approval.
7. Click the hyperlinked Request ID to open your request. On the next page, click Next.
8. On the next page, select Approve from the drop-down labeled Is this user authorized to have an account provisioned for them for the application.
9. Select Approve and follow option 1 and 2 below depending on which application you are approving and click Next:
Lockheed Martin Procure To Pay:  Select the Supplier Vendor Admin role.
Lockheed Martin eInvoicing: Select Full Access
10. Some requests will instead have a second page with Application Access settings where you will find the drop-down menu to Approve.

You will see a message stating the approval is complete. Please note it can take several minutes (up to a few hours) for an application to become Active once you have completed authorization steps.
To access the LMP2P application:
1. Login to your MAG user account with Email Address or User ID and Password.
2. Locate the Lockheed Martin Procure-to-Pay (LMP2P) tile, located in the My Applications section of the MAG Dashboard. Click Launch.
3. Select the phone number to which you want use to receive the OTP code. Choose the delivery method. Click Send to have the code sent to your phone.
4. You will receive the OTP code on your phone. Enter the code in the OTP code field. Click Next to open the LMP2P application.
NOTE: Once you receive the code, it will be valid for the next two minutes. If the code expires,
click Resend verification code.

Existing Users

For existing MAG users with valid OTP credentials, please see the following additional resources:

  • OTP Renewal: This page provides information and instructions on the OTP renewal process.
  • Phone OTP: This page provides additional information on the Phone OTP process, including how to complete a proofing upgrade purchase for an existing Phone OTP credential.
  • OTP Training Resources: This page provides downloadable user guides and OTP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). 

System Requirements

Windows 7 SP1N/ASN/AT
Windows 8.1N/ASN/AT
Windows 10SSN/AT
MAC OS X (up to version 10.12 “Sierra”)N/ATTT
Please see the legend below
(S) SupportedThis combination of operating system and browser is supported but has not been fully tested.
(T) TestedThis combination of operating system and browser is fully supported and has been tested.
(N/A) Not ApplicableThis combination is not applicable (non-compatible).
Memory512 MB or higher memory is recommended for best performance. Proper system memory allows for efficient operation of the applications.Exostar’s services are primarily browser driven. System performance improvements from additional RAM will be evident to the extent overall system improvements are realized
CPU Speed1 GHz or better CPU speed is recommended for best performance.The more powerful (faster) CPU speed will allow for more efficient operation of the applications.
Internet Connectivity2Mb/sec or betterA lower connection speed will result in slower performance or possible system time outs due to extended run times.
AdobeVersion 9Exostar utilizes Adobe Reader for downloading training and other support materials.
JavaJRE Version 8 or higherThe most current version of JRE is recommended. Earlier versions may be incompatible when uploading and downloading encrypted documents. 
Updated on August 7, 2024
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