What is PIM?

Exostar’s Partner Information Manager (PIM) is a risk management tool that leverages information from trusted sources to provide a partner (buyer) with a supplier’s current and potential risk and impact. PIM allows a company to complete a questionnaire (Cybersecurity Questionnaire or NIST SP 800-171) once for the partner organization, and then later share, with the company’s approval, the same results with other contractors using the company’s products and services. This ask once and share model reduces the burden of completing multiple questionnaires. Additionally, PIM provides contractors with a consistent set of minimum cyber security expectations for suppliers.   

PIM Resources

To learn more about navigating PIM and completing forms click the links below:


Concise DFARS / DFARS 252 CS

NIST SP 800-171

Exostar Customer Support cannot assist with responses to PIM forms, but can address PIM functionality.

Updated on August 30, 2022
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