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  4. Getting Started – Using MyExostar

Getting Started – Using MyExostar

Welcome to Exostar University! MyExostar is designed to be a true knowledgebase, providing end-user’s with self-help articles, how-to’s, FAQs and user guides.
This page walks you through how to navigate through our site and offers best tips and practices. Click the link to view the Get Started Quick Guide.

Home Page

From the Home Page you can quickly access popular categories, instantly search using keywords and sidebar menus allow for quicker navigation. To learn more view the sections below.

  • Header Menu
  • Search Bar
  • Popular Articles
  • Help Topics
  • Support

Displays drop-down menus with popular topics to choose from Applications, Customers, and Support. You can also click the link to login to the MAG portal.

Live search provides quick answers using keywords and suggestions for related articles. Please note, regardless of where you are in the site, when you complete a search, it searches the entire knowledge base, not just the section you are currently viewing.

Top articles display based on most frequently viewed articles by users.

Displays popular categories to select from and view all related articles.

Still need help? Can’t find what you’re looking for? Click the link to Contact Support.

  • Breadcrumb Navigation
  • Search Bar
  • Tip Boxes
  • Resources

Breadcrumbs allow you to easily navigate back to the previous category and related articles.

The search bar displays on every page. Quickly search using keywords and see suggestions in real-time for related articles. Please note, regardless of where you are in the site, when you complete a search, it searches the entire knowledge base, not just the section you are currently viewing.

Tip boxes provide helpful tips, definitions and/or an overview of each page.

Find resources with links to related categories and articles.

  • Table of Contents
  • Toggles
  • Training Resources

Table of Contents provides faster navigation by selecting the headers in the article.

Toggles minimize step-by-step instructions, click the toggle plus sign (+) to expand and view the steps.

Training resource pages have links to download user guides and view FAQs.

  • Tags
  • Article Feedback
  • Related Articles

Tags display at the bottom of every article allowing you to quickly find related articles with the same tags.

Article feedback allows you to rate articles and help us improve our content and articles.

Related Articles display at the bottom of every page and list top related articles in the same category.

  • Help Center
  • Contact Support
  • Help Assistant

Help Center is located on our Support page and lists our most common troubleshooting and how-to articles in our knowledgebase.

Searched through our knowledgebase and still need help? You can contact our Support team via chat, call us, or submit an online case form.

Help Assistant provides instant answers by searching keywords and displays an overview of the article before you select it.

Click here to view our Exostar Glossary Terms & Definitions.

Updated on July 20, 2023
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