Fujitsu Get Started

Access Requirements: In order to do business with Fujitsu you must have an Exostar Managed Access Gateway (MAG) account, as well as Fujitsu will purchase the required credentials on the customer’s behalf.
This page will walk you through how to register for MAG and login with credentials.
To learn more about the different credentials for ForumPass view the Federated Identity Service (FIS) page.

Step 1. Receive Invitation

Before you can register for a MAG account, Fujitsu must first sign you as a new customer. Fujitsu will send the new customer’s information over to Exostar’s Onboarding team. Next, you will receive an email inviting you to register for MAG.

To complete MAG Organization Registration:
1. Click the Accept Invitation button, located in the email invitation from the Exostar system.
2. Your browser displays a Get started with Exostar dialogue box. Click the Get Started button.
3. On the Complete the following information page, review the data for accuracy and input any missing fields. Select your Organization Headquarters Location from the country drop-down menu. Click Next.
A confirmation message displays account registration details and further instructions to be on the look-out for an account activation email.

Step 1. MAG Organization Registration

NOTE: For User Registration, Organization Administrators can create new user accounts. Users receive an email to activate their account and complete MAG registration. Additionally, users can register for an account by completing a self-registration invitation sent by their Organization Administrator.

Step 2. Fujitsu Purchases Credential

Once your registration request has been approved, Fujitsu will purchase credentials on the customer’s behalf *(the customer does not purchase their own credentials). View the steps below to see the credential process. Fujitsu will purchase a Phone OTP credential, which reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your account and adds an additional layer of security. 

Fujitsu purchases credential:
1. Fujitsu will send a form, complete the Required Information Spreadsheet (RIS) with customer information.
2. Fujitsu notifies Exostar of new customer via email, by sending the completed RIS with company and user information.
3. Exostar receives the email and reviews the spreadsheet for completeness, and contacts Fujitsu with any questions.
4. Fujitsu will then purchase credentials from Exostar, based on customer requirements (via prepaid voucher code issued by Exostar) with one License Key per voucher. (Exostar deducts the dollar value of the number of seats ordered from pre-paid PO).
5. Fujitsu will send over License Keys for credentials to the new customer.
6. Exostar creates a case in NetSuite system using the Sales Provisioning Case Form, and submits it to Onboarding team to initiate new customer registration process and creates new site in ForumPass.
7. Exostar sends Registration Invitation email to new customer and then customer completes registration (see Step 1 above).
8. New Customer completes Registration Invitation and submits to Exostar.
9. Once Exostar Approves new customer registration, Fujitsu is notified the new customer site is setup.
10. New customer administrators and users will receive account activation emails.

Proceed to step 3. to activate your account. Make sure you keep your License Key handy for when you proceed to step 4. to register your credential.

Step 3. Activate Account

Once Exostar approves your organization registration, you receive an account activation email. Please review all information provided in the email, paying special attention to your Account Details and User ID

IMPORTANT: Since you received and accepted the invitation, you are automatically designated as the Organization Administrator for your company. For more information on your administrative responsibilities, please see the MAG Organization Administrator page.

Exostar offers a monthly MAG Administration Webinar that provides information and instructions on administrative responsibilities. Please see the MAG Webinars page for available dates and registration information.

Once you successfully activate your MAG account, you must accept the ForumPass Terms and Conditions. To accept the ForumPass Terms and Conditions, you must have the Organization Administrator or the ForumPass Application Administrator role. Access to ForumPass is not possible for any users in your organization until Terms and Conditions are accepted. 

To Activate your MAG Account:
1. Locate the Account Activation email. Click the Activate My Account button.
2. Review the Password Policy. Input and confirm your permanent Password. Click Next.
NOTE: Your Email Address or User ID and Password are used for all subsequent MAG logins.
3. Review the information on the screen concerning your security questions. Select and answer your Security Questions. Click Next to open the MAG Dashboard.
To Accept Terms & Conditions:
In order for users in your company to access Fujitsu’s partner applications, the Organization or Application Administrator must first accept Terms & Conditions the application.
1. Under the My Applications section, you will see the applications your company is subscribed to, for each application you will need to click Agree to Terms.
2. Next review the terms and conditions, then check the I have read and agree box to accept terms and conditions.
3. You will receive a confirmation message. Repeat the steps above for each application your company is subscribed to.
4. Click Go to Dashboard, to begin using the application.

Step 3. Account Activation / Accept T&Cs

Step 4. Register Credential

In step 2. Fujitsu purchased credentials on the customer’s behalf and sent the License Keys to customer in an email. Make sure you have your License Key handy to complete the process below.

It is highly recommended that you register at least two (2) phone numbers. You can register up to three (3) phone numbers to your OTP. In instances where you no longer have access to one phone number, you can login with the other and update the numbers associated with your subscription. For the protection of your account, the phone numbers can be updated only after you login with your phone OTP.

To register your Phone OTP credential:
1. Login to your MAG account at
2. From your MAG Dashboard, in the 2FA Credentials toolbar, under the Have a license key?, click Enter it Here.  
NOTE: You can also begin this process directly from your purchase confirmation screen.
3. Enter your License Key and follow the prompts to finalize your registration. 

Step 5. MAG Login

Follow the steps to login to the MAG portal with your user credentials (Note: You can verify your credential strength in the My 2FA Credentials toolbar section). 

To login to your MAG account:
1. Login to your MAG Account, with your User ID/Email and Password.
2. Locate the My Applications section on your MAG Dashboard.
3. Find ForumPass application and select the Launch button.
Select the phone number that you want use to receive the OTP code. Click Send to have the code sent to your phone.
4. You will receive the OTP code on your phone. Enter the code in the OTP code field. Click Submit.
NOTE: Once you receive the code, it will be valid for the next two minutes. If the code is expired, click Resend Code.

Login FAQs

Error Message During Login:
You may receive an error message during login if you have multiple MAG user accounts, and your browser has cached your information. Follow these steps to login:
1. Click on your name (Profile Menu) in the top right corner, and verify the account you are logged in with matches the account listed.                      
2. If a different user account displays other than the one you are logged in with, clear your browser’s history (cache and cookies).
3. Return to the login process. 
I did not login with my Phone OTP Credential, how do I access the applications?
1. Login to your MAG account, from the MAG Dashboard, in the My 2FA Credentials section, click Elevate Credential Strength.
2. You are redirected to the Two-Step Verification page, that displays a list of 2FA Credentials associated with your account.
3. Select one of the methods and proceed with the authentication process.
4. After you return to the MAG Dashboard, your credential strength displays and you should be able to open the application. 
Can I share my OTP credential with someone else?
No, credentials cannot be shared. Each user requires their own credential. Sharing credentials is a violation of Exostar’s policy.
I have not activated my OTP credential. Can I give it to someone else?
If you have not activated the credential, it can be given to someone else, as long as the license key (provided at the time of purchase) has not been used.
For incident reporting, I have FIS Medium Level of Assurance (MLOA) Hardware Digital Certificates. Do I still need to purchase an OTP credential?
No, FIS MLOA Hardware is a higher credential strength than OTP, which still provides you access to ForumPass. For more information view the Federated Identity Service (FIS) page.
How do I Reset my Password?
1. Go to Click Forgot Password? link. 
2. You are redirected to the Account Recovery page. Select the method to reset your password. Click Next
3. Follow the prompts to reset your password.
NOTE: If you have multiple accounts associated with your email address, please contact Exostar Customer Support for assistance.
How do I Reset my Security Questions/Answers?
1. Login with your Email or User ID and Password.
2. From the MAG Dashboard, click the My Account tab and select Change Security Questions.
3. Update your security questions and answers.
4. Click Submit
Whom should I contact if I do not remember my zip code or email address, and cannot update my password?
If you do not remember what email or zip code were used to set up your MAG account, you can reach out to the MAG Organization Administrator within your company, who can easily reset your permanent MAG password. If the Organization Administrator is not available, please reach out to Exostar Customer Support.

Choose one of the following links to learn more about using MAG:

Updated on September 15, 2023
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