ForumPass System Requirements

This page reviews the requirements for operating systems and browsers, as well as mobile devices in order to support the ForumPass application.

System Requirements

System Supported Operating Systems and Web Browsers for Desktops/Laptops:

Operating SystemMS EdgeChromeFirefoxSafari
Windows 8.1N/ASSS
Windows 10TTSN/A
Legend: S = Supported / T = Tested / N/A = Not Applicable

System Supported Operating Systems and Web Browsers for Mobile Devices:

Mobile DeviceSafariChromeFirefox
Apple iOS (iOS 13)SSS
Android OS (10)N/ASS
Legend: S = Supported / T = Tested / N/A = Not Applicable


(S) SupportedThis combination of operating system and browser is supported but has not been fully tested.
(T) TestedThis combination of operating system and browser is fully supported and has been tested.
(N/A) Not ApplicableThis combination is not applicable (non-compatible).

In addition to major software releases, Microsoft offers ongoing product enhancements through service packs and ‘product updates’. Exostar will maintain currency with these updates as part of our ongoing release cycle testing, ensuring that our planned major release testing utilizes the latest software updates available. In the event that our customers experience a problem running our Internet solutions using the old versions of the software, including an out of date ‘update’ level, they may be directed to upgrade to the latest ‘update’ level to resolve the reported issue. 

Updated on December 20, 2023
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