ForumPass Site Creator Apps

This page reviews Site Creator features on creating new apps in ForumPass, app templates, and creating new page view layouts.

ForumPass Apps

The App is a fundamental component of the ForumPass solution. Apps are content containers that store a collection of information you share with team members. Several types of Apps are incorporated in site templates and, as such, become a part of the Site Collection when created. These Apps range from document libraries and task lists to calendars. Additional Apps can be incorporated into Site Collection as the project necessitates.

ForumPass Apps are easy to incorporate and can store virtually any type of information. The most commonly used Apps include:

  • Document Libraries
  • Calendars
  • Tasks
  • Announcements
  • Contacts List
  • Discussion Boards

ForumPass includes a variety of standard App templates and provides the ability to create custom Apps. Each App template is designed to allow maximum efficiency when working with particular types of documents.

Apps can be divided into two general types: Libraries and Lists which support different functionalities.

App TypeFeatures
List Apps– Collect and share information and facilitate communications.
– Track information by presenting it in columns and rows.
Library Apps– Collect and share documents and support collaboration.
– Supports folder structures, versioning, and check in/check out capabilities.
– Maintains standard properties (title, author, updated dates) and allows for custom properties to be included.
App Features

There are many different ways you can work with Apps in your site to help manage information for your group:

List of App Features:
– Using apps, you have the ability to track versions and history of items, so you can see which have changed from version to version, who made the changes, and when.
– Apps can be set up to require approval on new or changed data. Specify approval for an item is required before it can be viewed. If approval is required, the item remains in a pending status until it receives the required approvals.
– Apps support integrated email notifications.
– Customized permissions can be set within an App. Users with permission to manage the app can read and edit all items, while others may be assigned Read only rights. Permissions can also be set up on a single list item.
– Create and manage views to best support the data and user needs. Users can create different views of the same app. The contents do not change; however, the items are organized or filtered so that the user can easily locate important information.
– Incorporate formulas and calculated values to generate information in the columns of an app. The operation can include information from one or more columns in a list, as well as functions such as “today” to indicate the current date.
– Keep informed about changes within an app by creating an alert on the app.
App Templates

ForumPass supports many App templates which offer a variety of features to support the management of information. Lists can be grouped into four categories: Communication, Tracking, Libraries and Custom.

Communication:Provide templates to facilitate communication with other users of the site.
Tracking:Provide templates which support information tracking.
Document Libraries:Provide library templates to support the organization and collaborate of documents.
Custom Lists:Provide the templates that allow you to define all of the desired settings and columns to suit your site needs.
Using App Templates:
In this section, several commonly used apps will be further defined and default columns and views available within these lists will be highlighted.
The Announcements List template allows you to share important time-sensitive information with site users. The Announcements functionality provides a number of features such as versioning, expiration dating, and formatting tools.
The Contacts list template can be used to maintain the contact information for team members, clients, suppliers, etc. The app will be maintained in the project site collection, and may be used by all team members. Items in the Contacts list can be exported from ForumPass into Outlook or saved in vCard file format.
Team Discussion:
The Team Discussion list template works similarly to an internet newsgroup or web discussion forum and it facilitates discussions around specific topics. New discussion topics can be created, and replies to existing topics recorded. Within the Team Discussion you may access existing discussions, reply to a topic, and create new discussions. Using the ellipsis menu, you may also choose to create an alert, mark as featured or delete the item.
The Links list template displays a list of links that have been added to the list. The template allows users to enter the URLs, provide a title and includes a note, or description, of the link. The URLs can point to internal site collection pages, external sites, other project pages, corporate websites, and intranet sites.
NOTE: When you select a link from the list, the link opens in the current browser window. You may, however, right-click on the link and choose the Open in New Window option to launch the site in a new browser window.
The Calendar list template is used to keep team members informed of upcoming meetings, deadlines, events, and milestones. The Calendar apps support the scheduling of meetings, Webex meetings, and recurring meetings. There are several types of Calendar Apps including: Advanced WebEx Calendar, Restricted Audience WebEx Calendar, and Calendar.
Task List:
The Task list template is used to assign and track tasks for site users. When tasks are added, the email notification option allows users to be notified of assigned tasks. The app includes a timeline visual. The Task app offers many different views which allow users to easily display the tasks that they are interested in. Views include: All Tasks, Completed, Gantt Chart, Late Tasks, My Tasks, and Upcoming.
Custom List:
Custom List provides the opportunity to share information the way you want with your team members. Create your own list from scratch, add any other columns you need, and add items individually, or bulk edit data with Quick Edit.
Document Library:
The Document Library template is used for collaboration on your documents and files. The Document library supports many collaboration features, including check-in/check-out and versioning, and document libraries allow you to apply business rules-based workflows and control item-level permissions to all shared documents.
Picture Library:
The Picture Library template shares many similarities with document libraries, and has some additional tools that facilitate working with image files. Image files can be uploaded, organized into folders, and managed through workflows just as documents are in a document library. There are limitations to the file types that the Office Picture manager will support. The supported files types are .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .jfif, .bmp, .png, .wmf, .emf, .tif, and .tiff.
NOTE: If the file type to be uploaded is allowed by ForumPass, but not supported by the Office Picture Manager, the user will need to use the Add Picture command and add the files one at a time.
Encrypted Document Library:
An Encrypted Library is a library type that is available only on Sensitive, Restricted, and Protected site templates. The Encrypted document library offers all of the same functionality as a standard document library; in addition, all documents that are uploaded in an encrypted library will be end to end encrypted (E2E). The Java applet (version 5.0 or higher) must be installed on the user’s computer for E2E to be successful.
Wiki Page Library:
A Wiki Page Library template is a collaborative web page that teams use to share information in a highly interactive and less structured environment. In a Wiki Page library you can add, edit, or remove web page content in an open and informal manner without following a restrictive editing or approval process. Wiki pages can be more inviting for team members to add their experiences and goals because of the lack of formality and restriction.

Using Apps

Apps are easy to use applications that can be added to your site to address specific project needs or to display information. There are a variety of App templates available, as discussed above, from which to incorporate into your project sites.

To Add a App to a Site Collection:
In the same way that a user may add a sub site to an existing site collection, they may also add a list, library or other app by following the steps below:
1. Access the project. Open the Settings menu and select Add an App.
2. From the list of App Templates, select the desired App to add to the project site.
NOTE: You can use the Search field to locate an App.
3. Enter a name for the new App. Click Advanced Options to add a description for the app.
4. Click Create.

View Layout

Views are used to present items in an App in ways most relevant to you. All Apps come with standard views, and additional custom views may also be incorporated. For example, if you would like to display all items in the list, the Standard View option is selected, or you may want to create a view that displays department specific items, or one that display only certain file types.

The View Formats and Manage Views groups of commands allows the user to access default views and to create, modify, and manage different content views within the workspace. Multiple views can be created within a workspace for users to select from.

Quick Edit View:
The Quick Edit view provides a workbook content display which allows for easy editing and updating of list-based data. To edit a list in the Quick Edit View:
1. From the Quick Launch Area, select a list app to open it.
2. Go to the List toolbar ribbon.
3. Select Quick Edit. A grid control similar to MS Excel will display the list content.
4. The list is displayed in the datasheet view where content can be added or edited directly in the list cells.
5. When you are done editing the list, select View on the toolbar. The default view of the list will be displayed.
Create or Modify a View:
Views are used to display information within in a library or list in different ways. Some views display all the items, while others show specific items based on their properties or metadata values. ForumPass views can be customized and used to quickly find relevant information.
To Create a New View:
1. Working within an app, open the List or Library toolbar ribbon.
2. Click Create View.
3. Select the view format you would like to use. You may choose from view templates or you may choose to edit an existing view.
4. The Create View page displays. Complete the defining fields:
Name: Type a name for this view of the list. Make the name descriptive.
– Audience: Select the option that represents the intended audiences: Personal View or Public View
Columns: Mark the checkboxes next to each column you want to show in this view.
– Sort: Select columns to determine the order in which the items in the view are displayed. For example, if you want the content to display by Modified date in order to show most recently modified items on top, select Modified and Descending as sort criteria
Filter: Show all of the items in this view, or display a subset of the items by setting filters. For example, you may use Filter criteria to narrow the view to display only items Assigned to you. Select to filter by Show Items When: Assigned To is equal To <your name>.
5. Once you enter all applicable information, click OK
6. The new view filter option is now available in the List/Library tools view filter.
Using the View Filter:
With multiple views available within a List or Library, users can quickly and easily sort and access relevant data. As described above, views can be created using a variety of criteria including all types of item attributes.

To access the views available within a workspace, simply access the List/Library toolbar ribbon and use the Current View dropdown menu to toggle between views.
Updated on August 14, 2022
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