ForumPass Site Creator Administrator

This page reviews the Site Creator Admin process on how to Get Started with a new site and templates, as well as web part pages.

Get Started Widget

Once you create your subsite, the Get Started widget displays on your Home screen. Each pane in the widget offers assistance in customizing your new site:

  • Share your site: Use this to invite users
  • Working on a deadline? Adds a task list and calendar to your site
  • Add lists, libraries, and other apps: Offers all available apps for you to add to your site
  • What’s your style? Allows you to modify the color/style scheme
  • Your site. Your brand: Allows you to brand your site with any logos/images associated with your organization

Once you finish working through the widget, click the REMOVE THIS link to remove the widget from your Home screen. If you remove the widget, all options are still available from the Settings menu or Site Settings page.

Create New Site

Prior to creating a site, you must first access the location within your Organization Site Collection that best suits your project.

To Create a New Site:
1. Go to the Parent site where you want to create your subsite.
2. Open the Settings menu, and select Site Contents.
3. Scroll down and select + new subsite to open the site creation form.
4. Complete the Title and Description section.
– Title displays at the top of the web page.
– Title displays in the navigational elements that help users to find and open the site.
– The description is optional.
5. Enter a URL for the site. 
– The URL should consist of an abbreviated name to avoid the 255-character limit.
– To avoid potential problems with updating or modifying the site, do not use special characters. – – This also includes having spaces in the URL.
6. In the Template Selection section, select the desired template.
7. Permissions can be inherited from the parent site, or you may use unique permissions. Select Use Unique Permissions.
– If you choose to inherit permissions, you need to be a Site Administrator of the parent site in order to change permissions on this site in the future.
– We recommended selecting, Use Unique Permissions, because you can always change the permissions to inherit at a later time.
8. In the Navigation Inheritance section, specify whether you want the site to display the same top link bar as the parent. This setting also affects the navigation link to the parent site within the Navigation Folder path. Select Yes. Selecting No prohibits your subsite from containing the link to the parent site.
9. Click Create.
NOTES: If you chose to set up unique permissions, designate a Primary and Secondary Owner. Three default user groups are created:
<site name> Visitors with Read rights
<site name> Members with Contribute rights
<site name> Owners with Full Control
You can add additional users to these groups now or at a later time.
10. Click OK to complete site creation.

Site Templates

ForumPass Sites are Web Pages that provide the foundation for collaboration. They offer a central location to securely store, manage and collaborate on project planning activities, document lifecycles, task management, and information sharing. The most common Site Templates include:

Project Collaboration Sites:

Site NameDescription
Team Site:Often the primary site and center of a project site collection. Team sites provide document libraries, announcement and task lists, calendars, and a discussion board.
Project Site:Used to capture tasks and assign them to people in your organization, store and manage project-related documentation, and track project team events on a common calendar. Project site provides an easy way to manage projects with similar collaborative features as the team site, and includes the Project Summary web part.
Quick Start Template: Custom template used as a primary site and center of a project. This template includes many of the same elements as the Team Site, as well as the integrated WebEx calendar enabled.

Information Sharing Sites:

Site NameDescription
Community Site: A place where members can discuss topics of common interest. Members can browse and discover relevant content by exploring categories, sorting discussions.
Blog Sites:Allows a user to post ideas, observations, or expertise, then the site becomes a running commentary on the blog’s subject matter.
Wiki Sites: Similar to Wikipedia you find on the Internet, Wiki sites support the sharing and transfer of information and knowledge. Users can create and contribute to Wiki topics, and can create links to other Wiki topics.

Standard SharePoint Template:

Site NameDescription
Collaboration:Sites where you can communicate information about your team and projects, create a blog, or a community site.
Enterprise:Sites for document or record storage and tracking, Business Intelligence for data analysis, or site-wide search capabilities.
Publishing:Website publishing with or without approval workflow, and an enterprise Wiki for corporate knowledge members can contribute to.
Defense:Provides a secure, multifactor, authenticated environment (in the US) and incorporates the Digital Rights Management (DRM) functionality to protect documents inside and outside the environment.
Restricted HDW:This type of site requires MLOA Hardware certificates for access.
Sensitive OTP:This type of site requires One-Time Password for access.
Restricted:Please see description below. These templates support Restricted Profiles.
Sensitive:Please see description below. These templates support Sensitive Profiles.

Web Parts

Web Parts are used to display information on your site. Web Parts are stored in a gallery and are then incorporated into web pages. When an App is added to a project, ForumPass automatically generates a corresponding Web Part that can later be added to a Web Part page. Users should think of a Web Part as mini-applications or modules that display information on a page or perform a special function.

When you add an App in a ForumPass project, a corresponding Web Part is automatically generated. You can think of Web Parts as mini-applications or modules that display information on a page or perform a special function. Web Parts can perform a number of functions including allowing a user to add custom text and images to a web page, to displaying a financial report based on information stored in a separate application. Within a ForumPass site, a user with the proper permissions can add Web Parts to existing sites.

Web Part Pages
One important things to note about Web Parts is that a user may only add them to a special type of page known as a Web Part page. A Web Part page usually consists of Web Part zones – or areas where you add Web Parts. The site template determines the layout of the zones on the page. Generally, a template has a header, columns for the middle sections and footer. Each Web Part can act independently of others on the page or they can be connected or organized in a way that best suits the needs of the user and organization.
Edit Web Parts Features
Only users who have the ability to manage site structure and content within a specific site will be able to modify sites using Web Parts. With proper permissions, the user can access the Web Part gallery by selecting Edit Page from the Site Actions menu.
From the Edit mode the following actions can be performed:
– Add Web Parts to a Web Part Zone
– Drag Web Parts from Zone to Zone
– Change Properties of a Web Part
– Browse for Web Parts
– Import Web Parts to a Page
– Search for Web Parts

To Add and Edit Web Parts:
1. Navigate to the site where you wish to add the Web Parts, select Edit.
2. To add a Web Part, select Web Part. A list of Web Part categories is displayed.
3. In the Parts section, select the desired web part. Click the section of the web part page in which you would like to insert, and click Add. The screen automatically refreshed with the new web part.
4. To edit a Web Part that currently exists on the page, click the down arrow in the upper right corner of the Web Part. (You need to hover over the Web Part to invoke the arrow.)
5. The edit menu is displayed where the user can select to Minimize, Close, Delete, Edit, or Manage the Web Parts connections to data sources.
6. When you make all your updates to the Web Part page, click Save.

To learn about more Site Creator features, creating new apps and view layouts, view the ForumPass Site Creator Apps page.

Additional Resources

Updated on August 23, 2022
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