ForumPass Document Management

Add Documents

You can add documents to ForumPass a few different ways: upload a document, create a new document, drag & drop from your computer, or upload a file structure.

Upload Single File

To upload a document from your local environment:
1. From the Files toolbar ribbon, click the Upload Document icon.
2. Click Browse and navigate to the file you want to upload.
3. Choose a destination folder or leave the field blank. The file uploads to your current location.
4. If required add version comments.
5. Click OK.
NOTE: The library automatically refreshes, displaying the document.

Desktop Integration

ForumPass supports the creation of documents using desktop integration with the server via the New Document command on the Files toolbar ribbon. Users are not required to first create and store documents locally. You can create and store items directly on ForumPass servers.

To create a new document directly in ForumPass:
1. From the Files toolbar ribbon, click the New Document icon. The MS Office application associated with the library opens by default.
2. Create the file and click Save.
3. The file is saved directly to the ForumPass library.

Drag and Drop

This option allows you to add multiple documents at one time directly from your computer, however, you cannot drag and drop folders. If you need to add an entire folder’s worth of documentation, please use the File Structure option.

To drag and drop files into a document library:
1. Open the desired library in ForumPass.
2. Locate the files you want to upload from your local drive. Drag them to the space in the library where it says Drop Here.

Upload File Structure

This option allows you to add multiple files at once, however, you must first create the zipped or compressed file structure on your local environment. Once you successfully upload, the library unzips the files for you and you can access the folder.

To upload a file structure:
1. Create a File Structure (zip file) on your local drive. This includes zipped or compressed files.
2. From the Files toolbar ribbon, click the Upload File Structure icon.
3. Click Browse and navigate to the compressed/zipped folder you want to upload.
4. You may choose a destination folder, or leave the field blank. The file uploads to your current location.
5. Click OK.
NOTE: The library automatically refreshes, displaying the folder.


Alerts are used inform you about updates to items, folders, lists or libraries. Alert notifications are delivered via email, and you may customize how much information you receive and how often you want to know when specific items change. You can set alerts on files, folders, item, and lists/libraries. Use the Manage Alerts option to manage existing alerts.

To create an alert on a file:
1. Go to the library or list where you want to set the alert.
2. Select the item, list or library and then click Files ribbon. Click the Alert Me icon.
3. Click Set alert on this document option.
4. The New Alert page displays. Select the options you want for the alert:
Alert Title: Enter the title for this alert. This is included in the subject line of the email notification sent for this alert.
Send Alerts To: Enter your name or email address.
– Send Alerts for These Changes: Specify under what circumstances you want an alert sent.
– When to Send Alerts: Specify how frequently you want to be alerted.
5. When all the criteria is selected, click OK.
To create an alert on a library:
1. Go to the library or list where you want to set the alert.
2. Access the list or library and then click Library ribbon. Click the Alert Me icon.
3. Click Set alert on this library option.
4. The New Alert page is displayed. Select the options you want for the alert.
Alert Title: Enter the title for this alert. This is included in the subject line of the email notification sent for this alert.
Send Alerts To: Enter your name or email address.
NOTE: If you have permission to manage alerts, you can also create an alert for another person by typing his or her information into the Users box.
– Change Type: Choose the types of changes that you want to be notified about.
– Send Alerts for These Changes: Specify under what circumstances you want an alert sent.
– Send Alerts for These Changes: Specify under what circumstances you want an alert sent.
When to Send Alerts: Specify how frequently you want to be alerted.
5. When all the criteria is selected, click OK.
6. You will receive an email notification the specified alert was successfully created.

Version History

Versioning is available for list items in all default list types. Versioning provides control over the content available in the site and can provide great value if there is ever a need to refer to an older version of a document, or to restore an older version. A new version is created when:

  • A list items is first created or a file is uploaded.
  • A file is uploaded that has the same name as an existing file, and the Add as new version to existing files is checked.
  • The properties of a list items or file are changed.
  • A file is open, edited, and changed. A version is created when you click Save.

IMPORTANT: When you restore a previous version of a document, the document becomes the current version of the document. The restoration of a document does not overwrite or delete previous versions. Instead, it creates a completely new version within the library.

To view a file’s Version History:
1. Select the desired file by placing a check in the check box.
2. Open the Files toolbar ribbon. Click the Version History icon.
3. This opens the Versions History for this file. 
From this page, you can view the details for a version, restore a previous version of the document, or delete a version of the document. 
NOTE: In order to view the content of a previous version of a document, click on the version date/time stamp. The View menu option requires you restore the document prior to viewing. 


A Workflow automates a collaboration activity by breaking it into a set of actions users must take in order to complete a specific business process, such as approving content, obtaining feedback, or routing a document from one location to another. A List or Library owner can create a new workflow to be implemented into a list or library. Workflows must be activated by Site Collection Administrators and added to a document library by Site Owners before they can be utilized.

To start a workflow:
1. Open the List/Library in which you would like to add a new workflow type.
2. Select the item for which you would like to initiate a workflow.
3. Access the Files toolbar ribbon. Click Workflows.
4. Select the desired workflow. For example, select the Approval with Notification workflow (Note: the workflows available depend on how the library is setup).
5. Enter the Workflow Start Criteria (depends upon the type of workflow selected):
a. Approval with Notification Workflow criteria:
– The user ID(s) of approver or reviewer
– Select how the tasks will be assigned
– Type a message to include in the workflow notification
– Designate duration for the process
– The user ID(s) of the internal users to notify on the workflow
– The email of the external users to notify on the workflow (only applicable to Approval with Notification
b. Notification Workflow criteria:
– The user ID(s) of people to notify
– The user ID(s) of individual who should be cc’d on the notification
– Type instructions to include in the notification
c. Review and Approve Workflow criteria:
– The user ID(s) of reviewer
– The review due date
– Indicate if and when a reminder should be sent
– The percentage of participation to complete the review step of the process
– Whether to require any one reviewer to complete the task. If this option is selected, the percentage of participation option is disabled.
– The name(s) of approver(s)
– The approval due date
– Whether or not, a due date reminder should be sent and if so, how many days prior
– The percentage of participation to complete the approval step of the process
6. Click Start to initiate the workflow.
7. When the workflow is initiated, a task is created for the workflow assignees. In addition, email notifications are sent to assignees and the workflow initiator.
To track and update a workflow:
You may track the progress of the workflow, and update the workflow participants, instructions, and due dates by accessing the workflow’s status page. In addition, all of the details for completed workflows may be accessed review. Details regarding workflows are typically stored in the Workflow History list in the project.
1. Open the list or library.
2. Select the item for which you would like to review the running a workflow.
3. Access the Files toolbar ribbon, and then click Workflows.
4. The Running Workflows section of the page lists all workflows currently active for this item. The Complete Workflows section lists all previous workflows for this item.
5. Select the workflow to review.
Updated on August 31, 2022
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